Gojo Satoru said that she would move her household registration into his house...

In other words...

Yan Xi was silent for two seconds, and then The slippers were thrown up, "Asshole! You still want to be my father?!"

The slippers flipped in the air and stopped 20 centimeters in front of him.

Gojo Satoru pulled off his slippers in disbelief, "Has your brain been eaten by zombies, Yanxi-chan?"

"I'm a young and handsome guy who doesn't feel uncomfortable walking among high school students!"

"What kind of brain circuit does it have to think that I want to be your father!"

"Isn't it?" Yan Xi was confident and well-founded, "I am an orphan, and changing my household registration means that I will be treated like Fushiguro by you. Adoption, in other words, you become my adoptive father."

Becoming an adoptive father = becoming her daddy!

There’s nothing wrong with that!

Gojo Satoru: "..."

Gojo Satoru was choked by this logic. He was quite speechless and said: "Why do you want to compete with Ehui?" "

Because we are the same generation."

"So, why do you do this? I think I want to be your father! Even if I don't become your father, I can transfer your household registration here."

Yan Xi suddenly realized, "So you want to be my brother."

Gojo Satoru: "..."

"Sorry." Yan Xi tactfully Said, "You are a good person, but I don't want to find a brother for myself."

Gojo Satoru: "!"

Who wants to be your brother! ! !


This is a small town full of European-style buildings. People coming and going in the town seem to be the same. Reality makes no difference.

Looking around, there are many large and small rewards posted on the trees and walls.

Because they were illiterate, the two did not know the name of the city.

But this is not a big problem, just open your mouth and ask if you don’t understand.

Ask two or three passers-by and get several pieces of information.

Soon, they had a preliminary understanding of their location.

Andonibal - a city with a bounty on it.

As the name suggests, here, as long as you complete the bounty, you can get different cards.

On the huge display board in front, Andonibal's monthly competition schedule is written. Compared with the bounties posted on the street, the cards obtained by winning in the competition will obviously be of a higher level.

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