251-254: Extra: Landing in Shibuya in front of everyone (3-6)

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Chapter 251 Extra 04

These magicians are so annoying.

Xia Youjie held the sewing box in his hand, raised his foot and kicked away a magician who was rushing towards him, and let out an impatient "tsk".

That guy Gojo said that the magic world has been reformed and the top management has been purged. Look at the turmoil around us. Isn't it the same as before?

He said that those old oranges had been there for thousands of years, how could they be cleaned up so easily?

If this group of conjurers came over again and again to cause trouble, it would waste a lot of his time.

Life on a desert island is not easy, and everything has to be started from scratch. Everything about food, clothing, housing and transportation is in bad condition, and we can only solve it one by one. Building a house is a craftsmanship. You dig a hole, plant a piece of wood, and a wall is built. The magic power takes turns, and a wooden house appears. Although it is a little crooked, it can still be lived in.

I don't want it to collapse when the rain pours down and the wind blows.

I just regret that I didn't know much about reading at the beginning, and I still don't know how to do it. In the end, I found that caves are the most reliable.

Xia Youjie and the others moved back to the cave.

After the house problem was solved, the food problem followed. If you want to cultivate the land without seeds, you can only fight wild beasts. There is no salt, no oil, no taste, sour, fishy and hairy. Therefore, Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs, and now he digs vegetables in summer oil.

Fortunately, his magical power has not been abolished. With a command, the curse spirit moves and searches for vegetables all over the mountains and fields.

Life is finally a little greener, but it's still a bit difficult to get through.

Without him, just because there are too few clothes, like a family heirloom, my children and relatives visit me every month.

Fortunately, the sewing skill has been activated, what should I do?

He can only hold the bone needle and transform into a good father and good friend.

Unexpectedly, my friend was handicapped and careless, and there was a group of "neighbors" wrapped in tree bark across the street, eager to steal their family heirlooms.

Accidentally, he became magnanimous. In order not to be blinded, he took off a piece of clothing and changed it. The robe became a short robe, the short robe became a T-shirt, and finally became new underwear.

If we continue to consume like this, sooner or later everyone will be honest together. The wind makes my balls feel cold!

Xia Youjie never wants to sew clothes again!

Xia Youjie never wants to eat boiled meat again!

Xia Youjie didn't want to waste time with these guys at all.

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