Chapter 19: Finding you

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Saturday 10:15PM 

After a walking, or well, more like a sneaking, trip of about an hour, Wednesday had made it to the North entrance of Jericho forest. She looks up at the silver steel gate that was going to lead her inside the forest, she had a bad feeling in her stomach. 

She felt unsure about what she was gonna find in the forest, if she was even going to find anything. Finding nothing is better than something... Right?

Wednesday lets out a deep sigh before walking inside Jericho forest. She held the flashlight in her right hand, moving it around so she could see what was around and in front of her. It was a chilly night with a clear sky, the moonlight shining through the big pine trees which made it easier to see in some areas of the forest. 

The first thing on Wednesday's list was to check Crackstone's Crypt. Luckily she knew the exact way, she had been there many, many times before. And now that she thinks of it, none of those times were good. 

She rushes through the forest, passing by several tiny lakes, oddly shaped cave entrances and several burned out campfires. 

When she arrived at Crackstone's Crypt, she noticed that the police had already been here. There was tape on the big stone like door that said 'Police Line Do Not Cross'. The police wouldn't stop her from going in, she had to check. 

As she walks closer to the entrance of Crackstone's Crypt, she sees a faded stain of what she thought was blood on the ground close to the door. She stares at it for a few seconds before bending down and crawling underneath the tape before pushing the big stone door open. 

Wednesday now stands in the doorway, she looks around at all the chaos that was left behind. Two broken metal tables with dried up candle wax everywhere around it, one in the left corner and one in the right corner. Broken stone pillars with rocks and wreckage everywhere around it. 

She moves closer to wreckage and notices slight faded stains of blood on both metal tables but also on the ground close to the broken pillars. It was already clear to her that some kind of fight had occurred here. 

She knew she had one way of finding out what happened if it worked. She would be damned if she didn't try this.

She rolls up the sleeves of her sweater a bit before she starts tracing her finger tips over the broken pillars, hoping it would trigger some sort of vision. But sadly, this gave her nothing. So she moves over to one of the broken metal tables over in the right corner and did the same thing again. She leaned down on one knee and then ran her finger tips over the material but still nothing

"Dios, at least give me something." Wednesday then mumbles with a slight tone of annoyance in her voice. She then stands back up, gazing around the room to see if there was anything else that she missed, something significant. Her eyes then land on a quite big faded puddle of blood that was right in front of the big doors that led in and out of Crackstone's Crypt, this puddle was bigger than most of all the other stains. She was truly hoping all of these faded puddles of blood weren't yours. 

She slowly makes her way over to the stain and leans down on one knee again. She takes a deep breath before placing her right hand on the ground, on the faded blood stain and that's when it hit her. Her body froze, stiffening almost. Her head snapped backwards with quite some force, she was now looking up to the ceiling, her eyes wide open. A vision came to her.

The vision came to her as if she was watching from the side lines. She could see little candles lighting up most of Crackstone's Crypt. Sparkles of light flickering in every corner.

As she is focused on watching the candles, she hears the big door opening followed by a dragging sound. She then saw you. It was you, your body, that made the dragging sound, you were being dragged inside by your arms of Crackstone's crypt and it was... herself who was dragging you inside? 

Emotion Equals WeaknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang