Chapter 4: Blood Spilled

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The fencing room was silent. All that could be heard were the occasional birds chirping outside and a small breeze coming through one of the opened windows. After the students had made space just like the coach had ordered, several of them sat down while the others decided to split off into groups, one behind each girl, making sure they stood at a safe distance. They exchanged some looks before changing their gaze to you and Wednesday, they were dead silent, a few of them were even holding their breath.

Coach Vlad watches both girls, his arms still crossed."Salute." He says with a stern tone in his voice. After all, that's what fencing starts with. Saluting each other. And he expected you both to know this.

As you get into position, you straighten your back and tighten your hold on the rubber over metal sabre grip. Standing across from Wednesday who did the exact same thing, staring you deep in the eyes, not showing you any type of emotion. Except... You see the corner of her mouth twitching upwards in a tiny smirk. You lock your eyes on Wednesday's and couldn't help but swallow hard from a feeling of... Dread.

You then take a deep breath and smirk back at her."Are you sure you bleed in color, Addams?" You ask before doing what you were told to do by coach Vlad. You salute her, raising the blade to your chin before dropping it again.

"Who says I bleed at all?" Wednesday tilts her head a bit, while she watches you before saluting you as well, raising the blade to her chin before dropping it again.

Let's find out.

As Vlad watches you both closely, he couldn't help but let out a soft laugh because of the rivalry between the two of you."It's simple. First one to bleed, wins. En-garde." He watched the both of you straighten your backs again, getting ready for the battle ahead."Pret." He adds, making sure the two of you were set."Allez!" He then said, raising his voice a bit to make sure they understood that they were ready to go.

As you hear Vlad say the final word, there was no hesitation. You knew you had to make the first move. You strike first, lunching forward quickly as you hold the sabre in front of you, going in for a charged strike at Wednesday's right lower arm. Which she then dodges by stepping aside quickly. She then counter-parries your strike. Moving the tip of her blade around your blade, making you lose the grip of your blade a bit. How did she do that so fast? As you try to regain the grip on your blade, she then performs a 'Belestra', a short jump while bending through her knees afterwards, striking you with the tip of her blade in your side. Since you fail to dodge the strike, that awards her a point.

Bianca smirks as she watches Wednesday take the first point.

The room got filled with the sounds of cheers by a couple of students.

"Point for Addams." As Vlad nods his head, you let out a soft scoff under your breath."En-garde, pret, allez!"

You look over at Wednesday, holding the grip of your blade tightly. You think of a way to outsmart her. Bingo. You perform a 'Feint', faking an attack in the hope it would give you an opening to perform a genuine attack on her. It worked. As you fake your attack, Wednesday is on high alert, about to dodge the attack she thought you were gonna perform on her. She takes a step forward while bending down a little. As you see her dodging the attack that never came, you engage. You quickly move forward, lunching at her before performing a side salto. You take her off guard by this. As soon as your feet hit the ground again, you run forward quickly and thrust your blade forward, the tip hitting Wednesday's abdomen. In her confusion of your attacks, she fails to dodge the strike, awarding you a point.

The room got filled with the sounds of cheers again. As you look around the room, you couldn't help but smirk slightly. Some students looked very surprised.

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