Chapter 15: Girlfriend?

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Your weekend had flown by crazy fast. After the conversation with your mother, you felt relieved. It felt good to let her in on the dream, Wednesday's stalker and your suspicions about another shapeshifter out there.

The conversation got awkward pretty fast when she brought up the flirting between you and Wednesday, that's when you decided to cut the conversation short and leave.

But you weren't stupid, you knew your mother had seen it. Which meant that you and Wednesday had to be less obvious if the both of you wanted to keep this on the down low for now.

Nevermore's fall break was coming up, which meant that this last week before the break was busy. All classes had mandatory extra classes which were preparations for the tests at the end of the week on Friday.

On Monday, in between fencing classes, fencing tutoring and the mandatory classes, you were preparing yourself for yet another therapy session with Dr. Anderson. You had promised your mother to, try, not storm out this time and actually sit through the remaining four mandatory sessions.

Wednesday had helped you with preparing for your mandatory sessions, since she was an expert in sitting through these therapy sessions by now. She used to sneak out of them as well, but now with Dr. Anderson that was a bit harder because he seemed to have locked the window in the bathroom, there was no sneaking out of there without him noticing.

"The key to these therapy sessions is to listen to every word he's saying and then to tell him exactly what he wants to hear. Even if you don't want to say it or you don't agree with it. If you tell him exactly what he wants to hear, you should be good." Wednesday said as she watches you pace from side to side in your and Yoko's room.

She was sitting on your bed, Thing chilling on her shoulder.

You pace from side to side, listening to Wednesday's words."But he's a therapist, shouldn't he notice it when I'm telling him exactly what he wants to hear?" You ask, looking over at Wednesday before giving her a nod.

Wednesday cracks a small smirk before shaking her head."Not if you do it right." She deadpans, keeping her gaze on you. She notices that you were about to protest so she continues."You have to keep your calm. Don't give him any emotion whatsoever. Simply answer his questions as simple as you can. Don't go into too many details." She then continues."And if he wants details, you give the details he is looking for. Nothing more, nothing less." She then stands up from her seated position, making her way over to you.

You look over at Wednesday, listening to her words."Keeping my calm? Are you kidding? This guy is a huge trigger. He keeps asking about the relationship between me and my mother, it's annoying." You whine and nod your head before you continue."Give me an example please?" You then ask, watching Wednesday as she makes her way over to you, stopping you in your tracks of pacing by grabbing both of your shoulders.

Wednesday holds you by your shoulders."Stop. Pacing." She deadpans, looking at you, locking her eyes on yours."He's asking about the relationship between you and your mother because that's probably one of the main reasons you're there." She then says, before sliding one hand down your arm slowly, taking your hand and guiding you back to the bed, sitting you down with her.

You let out a soft sigh when Wednesday tells you to stop pacing. But you listen to her. It's not like you had a choice, she had already stopped you in your tracks.

You listen to her words and then let her take your hand. As she guides you back to the bed, you sit down with her.

"So, what you're going to have to do is telling him exactly what he wants to hear. Tell him about the situation between you and your mother. That it's been rocky for a while now, that she's always been too busy and that communication between the two of you has been minimal." Wednesday then continues."That way, you're giving him facts. But minimal facts. And when he asks you to go into details, you do that, but you give him minimal details. Like, you pick a memory and take a handful of details from it, you tell him. And then cut the conversation short. That's it." She adds, squeezing your hand as she looks at you.

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