Chapter 9: The Poe Cup (Part 2)

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The Black Cat canoe was sailing fast on the water but so were the other 3 canoes.

As you use the paddle to row, you notice that Xavier, Ajax and their other 2 members followed right after you, their canoe approaching fast."Enid, Amontillado is approaching fast. Keep an eye out for them." You call out to her, giving her a nod before looking around you again.

Enid looks over her shoulder at you and gives you a nod."Noted!" She calls out before looking over at her boyfriend in the Amontillado canoe. She adored him, in fact, she was very much in love with him, but she was not going to let him win because of that. She wanted to win this race so bad.

Wednesday kept her focus on all three of the canoes as she rows, making sure they were keeping up the fast pace.

The Gold Bug canoe was following right after the Amontillado canoe.

Bianca noticed that they were the slowest out of all three canoes, so she activated her back up plan. Just like last year, Kent was on standby. She saw him standing over at the wooden deck in the lake that they were approaching and nodded her head at him. Before she knew it, he had taken off his shirt and jumped into the lake, ready to sabotage the other canoes.

And that's what he did.

Kent had now transformed into his Siren form. Now under water, he made his way over to The Pit and the Pendulum canoe. Once he was close enough, he used his strength, pushing the canoe from under the water.

This led to the contestants in the canoe losing control over it.

Kent then pushed the canoe further away from course before making it flip over. Which then led to the contestants in the canoe falling out of it and into the water.

Loud grunts and exclaims could be heard from the contestants once they came back to the surface. All of them were blaming each other for losing control over the canoe.

The canoe then gets pushed, by Kent, into a red lifebuoy with force, which led to the canoe breaking in two. The race was officially over for the members of The Pit and the Pendulum.

Wednesday saw it all happen. She knew Kent was behind this, but she wanted to be sure. She leaned down with one hand to grab the binoculars. She then looks through it and saw Kent's head disappearing back into the water. What a surprise. "Enid, Kent is in the water. He's sabotaging again. We have to watch our backs." She calls out to her before changing her gaze down to Thing, nodding her head at him before putting the binoculars down.

Thing then pulls on the tiny lever on the left that activated the fish net. A small hatch in the canoe opened which then led to the fish net being launched under the water.

It was perfect timing because Kent was approaching The Black Cat canoe rapidly, he was about to start pushing their canoe off course but got caught into the fish net, again. Just like last year. He struggles under the water, trying to get out of the fish net. But this time, it wasn't that easy, the fish net was stronger and tighter this time.

As you hear Wednesday, you look over at Bianca, who, at that exact time, looked back at you with a smug smirk on her face."Try to row faster, she's still behind us and I want to keep it that way." You say as you row faster. You wanted to make sure there was at least some distance between you and The Gold Bug canoe. That would give you a bigger opportunity window when you had to shift into Divina.

Both Enid and Yoko nodded her head at you and did exactly what you told them to do. They were rowing faster, focusing on the task.

Wednesday looked down in the water, making sure Kent was occupied before she looked over her shoulder at you. She then starts rowing faster as well. She didn't say a single word though. But she did trust on your instinct, so she listened.

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