Chapter 11: Conflicted

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08:15PM, Friday.

It was somewhat quiet in Wednesday and Enid's dorm room, the only sound that could be heard was Wednesday's typing on her jet black, vintage typewriter and faint music coming from Enid's earplugs.

Wednesday had decided to start on the sequel to her novel. Somewhat the attack on Enid had given her inspiration to continue the novel.

As she types on the typewriter, she seemed to be very concentrated, lost in her thoughts, that was until Enid spoke up and broke that concentration.

"So what's the deal with you and Weems?" She says, a soft but curious tone in her voice."Since the Poe cup the two of you seem to be getting along." She adds, giving Wednesday a nod as she looks over at her, taking one earplug out of her ear, holding it.

Wednesday stares at the paper in front of her."There is no deal with me and Weems. The only deal I have is with the devil." She deadpans as she continues typing.

Enid was right though, ever since you and Wednesday had that conversation, the two of you seemed to be doing well.

The two of you were talking more face to face, not just when it was only the two of you. Lately, hanging out in the library to study was another thing the both of you liked to do. Apparently, Wednesday was struggling with history class this year, you had been helping her with some topics, when she let you, that was. Wednesday was way too proud, and stubborn, to let anyone help her. But she did let you help her explain specific topics every now and then.

And after last week's fencing tutoring session, her mind wandered off to think about you way more frequently than she would like to admit.

The occasional flirting was still happening. You'd caught each other staring every once in a while during classes, breakfast and dinner. Most of the time it was you who looked away first but last night during dinner, it was Wednesday who looked away first.

Wednesday wanted to poke burning needles under her fingernails because she handed you that win. She had never lost the stare battle before, until yesterday. It was outrageous really. It was all your fault. If you hadn't bit your lip so... seductively and hadn't given her that smirk, she would've been fine, she would've won. But she had to look away because she didn't want you to see the emotions behind her eyes.

Enid watches Wednesday closely, listening to what she was saying. She couldn't help but let out an amused scoff."Wednesday." She said, a tone of disbelief in her voice."Don't give me that." She adds and shakes her head before getting up from her bed, making her way over to Wednesday's desk, where she was sitting.

Wednesday stops typing the moment she hears Enid's footsteps approaching. She then lets out a soft sigh before turning towards her."Don't give you what?" She simply asks, crossing her arms.

Enid rolls her eyes playfully, looking at Wednesday."Lies." She deadpans, nodding her head."Something is going on between the two of you whether you like it or not." She gives her a small smile before leaning against the edge of the desk, also crossing her arms.

Wednesday raised her eyebrow, keeping her eyes on Enid as she speaks. The fact that Enid even dared to talk about this with Wednesday showed how much their friendship had evolved.

Let's just hope Enid knows Wednesday hasn't gone soft. Not on her, not on anyone.

"I would be lying if I say I don't notice the... attraction between us. But that is all it is, attraction." She deadpans, giving Enid a nod."So, to answer your previous question once again, nothing's going on between me and Weems." She then adds before turning back to the typewriter and changing her gaze to the paper.

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