Chapter 39 - Two Sides

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Author Note

No one likes author notes, they distract from the chapter, but I assure you this one is necessary. I have previously said that I never expected for this story to get so many reads, it was something I started writing for myself that I realised I wanted to publish to share with everyone else. A few of you have said that the story has had a lot of twists and turns, some of which have been frustrating. I just wanted to say that I hear your concerns and I'm sorry if you felt like the story hasn't been as consistent as you would have liked. I am a full time university student that studies music, so I don't often get time to sit down and write and carve out deep plot lines. I want to ensure the story is engaging, but there's only so much you can write in the confines of Pelican Town.

I just wanted to thank everyone whole heartedly who has read through this story so far. Your nice comments really spur me on to write. I will still keep updating this story, sometimes I have to work so I'm sorry for any undisclosed breaks. I try my best!

Happy Easter! - Apricot x


You disembarked from the train carriage, greeted by the noise of the city before you. The platform was busy with seemingly important people trying to reach seemingly important places, a stark contrast between the platform at Pelican Town. Harvey carried his bag as well as yours, insisting on being a gentleman.

Once you had left the train station, Harvey instructed you to follow him through the bustling streets to a hotel where you could leave your belongings. He seemed to know the area well, not needing a map on his phone or directions from the street signs.

"How do you know the city so well?" You asked, walking next to him against the pavement. "I lived here for 24 years." He half smiled, teasing you as he gazed beside him to see your face sink with embarrassment. "Stupid question really." You tutted to yourself. "Not stupid, you just can't imagine a guy like me living in a big city can you?" He pondered, taking your hand in his as you carried on walking down the high street. You shook your head.

Harvey was someone you associated with home and warmth, from the way he dressed to his manner of speaking, therefore the thought of him living in a cold concrete jungle didn't make sense. He always wore a blazer, similar to a suit jacket, either with a shirt of jumper underneath. He usually chose a tie too, ensuring he always looked presentable and smart. You admired him for it, considering you usually looked messy and muddy from farm work.

Arriving at the hotel, you admired the grand lobby that was presented before you, a glass chandelier drooping above your head. "Harv, this place looks expensive?" You questioned, wondering why he had booked somewhere this exclusive. "It's fine Evangeline, I'm not going to let you stay in some hostel downtown." He smiled, his tone firm yet gentle, tucking your hair behind your ear as you waited for the receptionist to give you your keycard. You felt a warm feeling swoon your face, a visible red blush appearing on your cheeks. "Thank you, that's so kind." You said, kissing his cheek.

Gazing around the lobby, you noticed the intricate details of the room. It was beautiful. It was clearly an old hotel, with signs above doors such as a "lavatory" and a "smoking room," something of which you had seen in movies from the 30's. From memory, you recalled that it was somewhere men used to go after dinner to partake in a cigarette. You giggled and turned to Harvey to show him. Harvey turned and let out a light exhale of laughter, amused also by the old signs.

"You know, before I became a doctor, I used to smoke." Harvey announced, letting you in on another secret. "Smoke? I can't imagine you smoking?" You replied, slightly taken aback by his revelation. "Everyone did it back then, especially my father, but when I joined medical school I quickly found out the truth about cigarettes. They are even worse than you already think they are." He tutted. It seemed as if Harvey also had a side to him he left in the city too, just as you did. It was hard to contemplate.

The receptionist found your key and handed it to you. You headed towards the elevator in search for room 405. It felt as if you were seeing a new side to Harvey on this excursion, one that wasn't so sensible and well behaved perhaps. It was somewhat exciting. You imagined the many drunken student nights he would have participated in whilst at medical school. But he also didn't know about your life in the city and what you had gotten up too before you met Levi. The police incident came to mind.

With a quick swipe of the keycard, the door clicked open, revealing a cosy and luxurious room with a queen sized bed. You were in awe of how gorgeous the room really was. "Alright, how much did you pay for this room?" You questioned, your eyebrows raised. "Don't worry about it my darling, think of this as a mini vacation." He replied, placing your bag on the bed for you. "You got lucky? Well I think I won the lottery." You giggled as wrapped your hands around his waist. Harvey retaliated, his movements swift, capturing you in his arms, your lips only centimetres away from his. "Careful darling, you don't want to start something you can't finish." You felt your cheeks redden once again.

Pulling away, Harvey pulled out his phone to show you where you'd have to go to see his father in hospital. You reassured him that you were happy to follow him and let him take the lead. You could tell he was nervous, as much as he tried to hide it. He was doing his best to keep a brave face, but the subtle tremble in his hands betrayed his anxiety, as well as the deep breath he took before leaving the hotel room. Your reassuring smile sent a silent promise that he could face whatever awaited him at the hospital as long as you were there to support him.


Arriving at the hospital doors, you ventured up to the counter to enquire about the location of his father. You felt a stark contrast in Harvey's behaviour now you had entered the hospital. The warmth that usually radiated from him seemed to fade, replaced by a guarded expression. His posture straightened, and his gaze hardened, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"I'm looking for the ward that has my father, Mr. Arthur Ellsworth." Harvey asked the lady behind the desk. She nodded and started typing on her computer, clearly searching for his name. Harvey had not told you that Ellsworth was his last name, he had told you a completely different name. As the receptionist searched for the requested information, you couldn't help but wonder about the lie he had told you. Why had Harvey chosen to withhold his real family name from you? You wouldn't ask him now, but you would try to remember to ask later.

"So do I address them as Mr and Mrs Ellsworth?" You asked cautiously, feeling somewhat tense. "Yes, that will be fine." He responded, an uncomfortable facial expression pained his face. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to." He sighed, holding your hand beside you. You frowned at his disposition.

The receptionist finally located the information and provided Harvey with the details he needed. With a nod of thanks, he gestured for you to follow as he began to make his way towards the indicated ward. His demeanour remained composed, but you sensed an underlying tension in his movements, proving to you that his facade would come to crumble eventually.

You finally reached the correct ward. You took a first glance at his parents. His mother was sat in a hospital chair, reading a book. She had curled blonde hair that just about reached her chest, a few grey hairs beginning to peer through the hair dye. Mrs Ellsworth had a visibly powdered face and a somewhat sunken look about her. She was seemingly wearing a blouse with a pencil skirt from what you could see, peeking around Harveys figure, and her neck and ears were adorned in pearls.

Gazing to the ill man in the bed beside her, you drew your conclusions that he was Mr. Ellsworth. Harvey's father lay in the hospital bed, his presence imposing yet diminished by the circumstances. He resembled a caricature of a 1940s film star, with slicked-back hair and a pencil moustache that seemed frozen in time. He looked presentable and smart, despite the fact he was lying in a hospital bed.

Now you could see where Harvey had gotten that trait from.

"Hello mother, I'd like to introduce you to Evangeline, my girlfriend." Harvey spoke with a somewhat mousy tone in his voice for the first time today.

Mrs. Ellsworth gazed up from her book, a stern look across her face. You felt as if you were in a trial and she was the judge and jury plotting against you. You took a deep breath and stepped forward...

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