Eye got you

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TW: Eye injuries, hospitals, surgeries, being hit with objects, pain.

It was a familiar scenario the Eras tour had just wrapped up another successful night and Taylor Swift was leaving the arena walking hand in hand with you, her baby sister. The baby sister that she had been raising for the last five years since their parents had passed away. 

The night then suddenly takes a turn no one had expected when a fan after trying to throw a friendship bracelet to Taylor and failing decided their cellphone would be the next best idea hitting you in the eye. 

In the immediate aftermath of the accident, Taylor's instincts as a protective older sister and calming presence kicked in. Understanding the gravity of the situation especially seeing the blood and bruising of your eye Taylor quickly positioned herself to be both your physical and emotional support you needed in the moment. 

"It's okay, baby, try to relax, don't open your eyes," Taylor urged. Her voice was a soothing presence to you amongst the chaos. You were seated sideways on her lap, Taylor was your shield, it was clear that you were her priority. 

Surrounded by security who were working to ensure your safety and medics who quickly gave Taylor an ice pack. She gently placed it on your eye in an effort to reduce the swelling and provide some relief from the pain. "I know it hurts, sweetie, help is coming," she reassured.

When the ambulance arrived Taylor's composure wasn't let go. "I'm riding with her," she told the paramedics. They were a bit taken back to realize the Eras tour call was actually for the Taylor Swift, but quickly  realized the gravity of the situation beyond celebrity. Taylor carefully lifted you off the ground and walked into the vehicle before loading you on to the stretcher. 

"Miss Swift, your sister has a fractured occipital bone and torn retina. Luckily we managed to repair both in surgery so she should heal fully and not experience any permanent damage." 

Taylor sighed in relief at the news that you would be okay. 

"We're going to keep her overnight for observation but you'll be able to take her home tomorrow."

"Can I see her?" Asked Taylor. 

"Of course. She is awake and asking for you." 

Taylor enters the recovery room with mixed feelings. Her heart is broken seeing her baby sister in a hospital bed with a bandage over her eye. On the other hand Taylor is amused seeing her baby sister with a bandage over her eye happily eating a popsicle. 

"Hey sweet girl, are you in any pain?" Asked Taylor softly. 

"No, don't worry about me Tay, they've got me on the good stuff, " you respond giggling lightly. "I think I'm on mars." 

Taylor can't help but laugh, the tension easing from her shoulders at her sisters' playful spirit. 

As you finish your popsicle you can feel your eyelids begin to grow heavy with fatigue and medication. "Try and get some sleep okay baby."

"You should really get some rest also Tay, you must be running on adrenaline."

"Please don't worry about me honey. You just had surgery you need to focus on yourself and getting better."

You sighed, "but I know how tired you are after you perform three shows in a row. At least lay down with me," you begged pouting.

"Okay, I will," sweet girl Taylor smiled. "But seriously baby, it's my job to worry about you not the other way around. That's why I'm the big sister," she said kissing your head, 

"Well it's kind of hard not to worry about you when you look like you're auditioning for the walking dead Tay."

"Haha very funny." 


"I'm sorry you're in so much pain baby, is there anything I can do?" You were now home from the hospital laying in Taylor's bed but you were dealing with a lot of discomfort. Taylor spent every minute doting on you trying to provide comfort in any way she could. 

"Can I have more medicine?" You asked hopefully. 

"Not for another hour, sweetie. I'm sorry. The doctor said putting ice on would help," Taylor responded regret evident in her voice. She carefully put some ice wrapped in a towel on your injured eye to try and take the edge off some of the pain.

Upon being driven home that morning by your brother Austin the house had been filled with flowers, get well cards, and balloons all from your celebrity friends and acquaintances. Text messages also flooded in inquiring about your well being. Taylor's fans also had something to say calling out the person who threw the iPhone talking about how dangerous and inappropriate it was and wishing you a speedy recovery. 

One of your favorite thoughtful gestures was from Selena Gomez, she had gifted you a giant stuffed hello kitty, which had quickly become your recovery companion. Austin and Abigail also bring by dinner and you're tended to by your devoted big sister. 


"How can an eye hurt so badly?" You winced, the pain was sharp and intense. "It's so small." 

It was the next day and you were now laying in wait for your medication to take effect. Taylor felt so useless she would do anything to take your pain away, even if it meant taking on the injury herself. 

"I don't know sweet girl," Taylor responded sympathetically. You sought solace in Taylor's chest as she rubbed your back soothingly trying to take your mind of the pain. 

"Just try to focus on your breathing." She said kissing the top of your head. "I know it's easier said then done but don't think about the pain so much." 

As you took slow controlled breath you eventually found your eyes closing shut and sleep brought you the relief you had so desperately sought. 


As you begin to find moments of relief from the pain and start to show signs of recovery. Taylor sees an opportunity to brighten your spirits further. Knowing about a particular hoodie you had you'd been wanting Taylor had decided to surprise you.

"Y/N, I've got something for you," her voice filled with anticipation.

You were intrigued and happy to be distracted momentarily from your pain so you immediately unwrapped the package in front of you to reveal the hoodie. It's more than just an article of clothing, but a tangible expression of Taylor's love.

"You didn't. Tay, you're the best big sister ever!" You said sincerely before hugging Taylor. She was touched by your appreciation and quick to reciprocate it. "Well, you're the best little sister ever, so we're even." Taylor's response was light hearted but it reflected how much love and admiration she had for you. 


The next weekend was time for Taylor's return to the Eras tour. Given your recent ordeal and still-visible injuries she suggested staying at the hotel as a precaution. "No Tay, I really want to go a lot of our friends will be there tonight. Besides the doctor cleared me," you insisted. 

Since you still had lingering swelling and bruising Taylor had also gifted you a new pair of sunglasses to protect your eye and give you confidence. It's another effort on Taylor's part to spoil her baby sister and let's just say you weren't complaining. 

"Okay, but you can go backstage at any point if you want to," Taylor concedes wrapping her arms around you and kissing the top of your head. 

Security would also be heavily increased around the VIP tent especially near you. Taylor's primary concern is your safety and well being and she's willing to take every precaution to protect you. This experience while terrifying for both of you also strengthened your bond immensely. 

#Taylor swift #Taylorswiftimagines #Taylorswiftsisterimagines #taylorswiftxsisterreader #Angst #fluff 

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