Food poisoning

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Taylor x daughter!reader 


TW: food poisoning, throwing up.

After the Super Bowl your mom, and Travis decided to go have a sit down dinner at the hotel instead of attending the after party. 

Taylor was absolutely exhausted from jet lag and Travis was exhausted from playing in well the Super Bowl plus they thought the after party would not be an appropriate place to bring you, Taylor's 15 year old daughter. 

You were also quite jet lagged since you went with your mom to Japan and you thought that's why you hadn't been feeling great since you got back to your hotel room after dinner. You figured everything was finally catching up to you. However much to your disappointment it had actually been something you ate that completely disagreed with you and so you found yourself at six in the morning puking your guts up in the en suite of your hotel room. 

The last thing you wanted to do was wake up your mom and Travis up so early but you really needed her so you sent a quick text, and she quickly came across the hall from the room she was staying in. 

Taylor made it just in time for you to start throwing up a second time, "oh sweetheart it's okay, I'm right here," she said as she rubbed your back. Your body eventually gave you a break and you were able to lean back into the comfort of your moms' arms. She wrapped her arms around your shivering body to try and provide you with some warmth. "Come on baby. Let's try and get you back to bed." 

Your mom helped you stand up so you could brush your teeth and helped to back into bed before grabbing you a cool washcloth. "This is in case you get sick again and can't make it to the bathroom," she said putting the trash can beside you. 

"I really don't want to get sick again," you said trying not to cry.

"I know" she cooed sympathetically, but I promise this will pass," she said moving some hair out of your face. 

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I just wanna let Travis know what's going on."

"Okay," you said as your mom laid the cloth on your forehead.


"What do you think could've gotten her sick? Her and Kylie had the same thing at dinner last night and Jason hasn't said anything." 

"I'm not sure babe," Taylor shrugged. "She's the last teenager that would drink alcohol behind my back...anyways, I've gotta go see if I can get one of the security guards to get her some supplies." 

"No, don't worry I'll go get it babe."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Asked Taylor. 

Travis shrugged, "I'm unrecognizable in a hat and sunglasses plus I'm just as intimidating." 

"That's true," Taylor laughed. 


"Y/N Babe, Travis got you a bunch of stuff. I need you to try and drink something so you don't get dehydrated," your mom said opening a blue Gatorade. 

You could only hoped you'd be able to keep this down considering you were throwing up water. If you weren't your mom and Travis would have to take you to the emergency room. "Easy, little sips," she urged gently. 

"Let me take your temperature," she said getting the thermometer. You both sat on the bed waiting for it to beep while she soothingly plaid with your hair. "100.5, still a fever but not terrible. I'll go get you another washcloth," she said.

You felt terrible your mom and Travis had been taking care of you all morning while you watched tv and slept in the hotel room when they should've been enjoying their time in Vegas. Taylor and Travis just really wanted you to feel better because they hated seeing their girl miserable and in pain. Taylor couldn't help but feel like it was her fault she had encouraged you to go to the Super Bowl and if it weren't for her you probably wouldn't have food poisoning.

"I'm sorry I got sick mom, Travis. I know this is such a bummer. Thanks for taking care of me though." 

"There's nothing to apologize for sweetgirl," Said Taylor. 

"Yeah, your mom is right.  None of this is your fault," echoed Travis.

"And for the record taking care of you is my job," Taylor added making sure to look you in the eyes. 

"Ditto," said Travis. "You fall victim to the same fate as your mom, kiddo. Meaning you're stuck with the Kelce's," 

 "Get some more sleep babe, maybe you'll feel better when you wake up," you felt her place the cool cloth on your forehead and lay down beside you as you dosed back to sleep. 


"Hey kiddo, you look better," Travis said when he saw you smiling for the first time that day. You hadn't thrown up any of the Gatorade you drank and were now munching on some saltines. 

"Thanks, I feel better." 

"And we finally know what it was," Taylor said hanging up her phone. That seafood table in the Super Bowl. "The crab legs anyone who ate them last night apparently got sick," she said kissing your forehead. 

"I'll need to make sure my manager contacts catering so it doesn't happen again," said Travis. 

"Luckily it seems like your fevers gone," she said feeling your forehead. "And your colors returned, so hopefully you can keep these crackers down. Because Travis and I wanna take you to see Vegas." 

"Aren't I a little too young for most of Vegas?" You asked. "Also won't you get mobbed?"

"Don't worry. Your mom and I have our ways, kiddo. We have a few surprises in store."

"But you guys haven't seen each other in so long don't you wanna spent time together as a couple? "

"No sweetheart, we want you with us. This night was especially planned with you in mind," said Taylor thinking about the tickets Travis scored for David Copperfield. 

"As long as it doesn't involve crab legs." 

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