Endometriosis pt. 1

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Taylor x sister reader 

Age: 12

TW: endometriosis, terrible period cramps, nausea, dizziness, rude doctors, medical trauma, parents dying. 


Taylor knew it was normal to experience some cramping on your period, but the amount of pain you'd been experiencing every month was next level. 

You often spent the week throwing up, passing out and usually ended up missing days of school. Taylor had started clearing her calendar so she could be home with you on those days with the exception of an occasional zoom meeting or working from her home recording studio. 

Today you decided to try and tough it out at school because Taylor had a performance on a morning talk show she couldn't get out of. 

"Baby, what is it what's wrong?"

You had called your sister from the bathroom stall at school around noon but could barely get words out upon her picking up because the current wave of cramps you were experiencing was so intense. 

"I'm sorry Tay. I really tried, but the pain is so bad I feel like I'm gonna pass out," you cried. 

"Alright, it's okay sweetheart. We just finished filming. I'll be there in a few minutes so just stay where you are," she said before hanging up.


"Honey, this is the worst it's ever been." Said Taylor handing you some ginger ale. The two of you had gotten home a few hours ago and you'd been laid on the couch with a heating pad. Taylor had given you all the medication the bottles advised but you could hardly keep that or really any food down.

"I just hate doctors," you croaked, taking a small sip like she'd advised. 

"I know, but I don't think we have a choice sweetgirl," Taylor said holding your hand through another wave of cramps. "I just hate that you're in so much pain."

And so you start seeing doctor after doctor. It takes half a dozen appointments over several months. Taylor despises that she's making her baby sister relive her trauma of medical professionals so much, but she knows overall it's for the best. 

Many of them dismiss your pain saying their's nothing wrong with you and that period cramps are normal. A few of them even suggest you're being overly dramatic or seeking attention. It's funny in an ironic sort of way considering you're the one who's been begging Taylor to give up. 

Then Eventually on Halsey's recommendation, they find someone who actually listens, who cares, and when you finish listing your symptoms, the doctor says, "endometriosis." Like Taylor's friend had mentioned. 

"We'll definitely need to run a few tests just to be sure, but it sounds like that's the problem."

When you are officially diagnosed Taylor is both relieved and devastated for you. Relieved because you finally have answers. Devastated because "there's no cure, but if you stay on top of it can be managed. Unfortunately if it gets bad enough we may need to consider surgery down the line." 

Taylor really didn't want that for you. She really hoped there'd be some sort of magic cure or treatment you could take to make all of this better, but of course there wasn't. You were definitely nervous for what the future held but glad that you at least had your big sister by your side. 

#Taylorswift #Taylorswiftxsisterreader #Taylorswiftsisterimagines #Taylorswiftimagines #endometriosis #periodcramos #angst 

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