Red and gold

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The sun beats down on the dirty village road, warming the gravel with a soft orange glow. Naruto's feet hit the ground rhythmically, walking through the crowded streets, twisting and turning between long limbs in order to go about his way unperturbed. His legs ache, his muscles straining from both yesterday's training and the fact that he's been walking all day.

He's been going from utility shop to utility shop, trying desperately to find someone that will agree to take him on as a customer.

His first day at the ninja academy was tomorrow. His nerves were set ablaze with anticipation and dare he say, a little excitement.

But first, to go to the academy and make the most of it, he needed to buy himself supplies. Paper, pens, books, and all.

Hermione would have been proud of his initiative, however unsuccessful it was.

The skin on his palms stings at the reminder of his failures. Having been kicked out one too many times, he'd scrapped his hands raw, trying to catch himself each time before his face bit into the hot dirt.

Sighing dejectedly, he resigned himself to his fate. Needing another thing on his endless list of acquired supplies, he turned to head in the direction of the eastside market.

He knew that Itachi and Shisui would've immediately agreed to go shopping for him, they would've volunteered with no reservations or hesitation. However, he'd resolved to go on his own this time. He couldn't keep relying on the two older boys. They did too much for him as it was. He didn't need to burden them any further with ridiculous requests. He was almost six, he was going to be studying to become a ninja, and so, he could buy his own supplies.

His gaze settled on the one store he had never gone to before in this district. The glass door leading into it was cracked and stained. A faded banner hung on the highest part of the structure, screws loose and half hanging from its perch. A strong wind or a particularly dedicated pigeon would surely do it in, Naruto concluded grimly.

Feeling some of his courage wane, he marched right into the clothing store, knowing that he needed to get it over and done with.

His current clothes were not academy appropriate. He was all too eager to get rid of everything he'd gotten from the neighbor's son, wanting nothing that would remotely incite anyone to attack him again. Grasping a hesitant hand to his throat, he gulped, shaking his head as if to physically dispel the memory.

Racks upon racks of clothes welcomed him on entry. A sea of different colors and sizes that made something inside him stir. Checking his surroundings discreetly, he calmly made his way to the counter.

He learned through numerous less-than-welcome encounters that it was best to be upfront and direct in his shopping endeavors.

Sneaking around would ultimately get him in trouble. They'd either think he was here to vandalize or steal. Trying to hide his appearance would also only make it worse in the long run, when they'd eventually figure him out.

It was best to just test his luck upfront if only to spare himself further pain.

The counter to the checkout area was taller than he was, looming over him forebodingly. Clearing his throat, he waited for the clerk, a fat greying man, to notice him. The man's eyes wandered the space above him before finally looking down, eyes narrowing slightly.

"What do you want?" He drawled, seemingly already having lost any interest in him. The welcoming smile he'd previously worn was nowhere in sight now that he recognized the child in front of him.

"I'm looking to buy an outfit for the academy, sir." He spoke softly, not really sure what to do, now that he wasn't being kicked out outright.

"The ninja academy."He scoffed, leaning back against the wall behind his counter. Eyeing him with barely concealed disgust. "I don't have anything for you."

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