9: Mockery

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By the time I had gotten past the meeting, I was very clear with the fact I was indeed fucked and I had fucked up big fucking time.

I wasn't a prick.

Fuck knows why I did it.

That little meeting just drilled me into the idea I should of had this whole time.

I should of never fucking done it.

I was lucky enough that the teachers at Leland couldn't risk getting rid of me.

Stealing was out of line at Leland and even if I could argue that I thought the Spence girl's phone was mine, I still did it and I should probably of gotten a worse bollocking. I should of been suspended by the very least.

Thing is, I didn't.

I've been part of the school's reputation the moment I set foot on academy soil and getting me in trouble would do no good for Leland.

My face was on papers and plastered across the school's social media pages, embarrassingly enough, but my name being known as one of the youngest to sign onto the prem was big news. Especially in London, a hub for young people who would be kicking a ball about on random plains of grass, dreaming of the chances I've got.

I dodged a fucking bullet just for being me.

That wasn't going to cut with Spencey though, and that's what scared me more.

He was practically a bloody Saviour to the team.

His dad funded money for the school to buy our boots and get us tickets to games just for the crack so you couldn't really get on his bad side.

I was his best friend so I never was on it, until then, of course.

I was shitting it.

I knew I looked like an idiot in that meeting. I was practically begging for an apology and very clearly terrified.

Spencey wouldn't listen to me, Natalia didn't even fucking acknowledge me and I had won the disapproval of the mother a.k.a aunt of the both of them.

As much as I wanted to go apologise to them all, the look that Natalia gave me said enough and it pained me that I had to find out her bloody name in that way.

God. How stupid did I want to make myself look to her?

She didn't want me near her and neither did her mum and that was clear.

The only person I had a chance to redeem myself with was Spencey, and he was fucking livid.

Once I found myself last in Higgins' office, I shuffled out with my hands in pockets, hearing the muffled whispers from both sides of the room. To my left was Natalia, Mrs Spence and Mr Higgins, and to the right (where I was headed) was Spencey and Scotty having it out.

Needless to say, I was already intimidated after barely taking four steps toward them.

"You know I wasn't being serious, Spencey mate," Scotty spoke, making awful attempts to justify himself with a shaky smile.

"Nobody can tell if you're fucking serious about anything." Spencey scowled as Scotty continued to plea.

"Come on, Spencey."

"Don't fucking go near her again."

"I'll say sorry."

Spencey shook his head. "Get a grip. You should of done that long before this conversation. Now fuck off and stay away from Natalia."

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