Chapter 9 - Terror

Start from the beginning


You're a monster


That's ok, but please don't be sad

And don't ignore me


You're a terrible person

Why wouldn't I ignore you?


Because I love you

You hate me now but you'll

learn to love me

I gently placed my phone on the surface and rested my head in my hands, feeling a mixture of disbelief and concern.

This dude is insane

I opened my computer and decided to start back working on my project

"When the mind fixates singularly on an obsession, becoming deeply enamored, what transpires when that fixation fades? Does it relegate you to the shelf among its other prized possessions, or does it casually discard you? I've never experienced such intense love for something, and I doubt I ever will, but I ponder how often this cycle of obsession repeats itself—"

As my fingers danced across the keyboard, crafting words, a sudden message materialized on my computer screen.

"I won't ever throw you away. Why are you writing about me like this?"

A chill ran down my spine. Had he hacked into my computer?

Attempting to continue typing, my efforts were futile; it was as if my computer had frozen.

"Why are you doing this?" I exclaimed aloud in frustration, my fingers tapping the keys relentlessly. Suddenly, my computer shut down abruptly. I slammed my hands onto the desk, emitting a frustrated groan. The overwhelming emotions made me feel on the verge of tears.

"I just love you too much," the message declared across my darkened screen.

"Well, your love is ruining my life," I retorted.

"I know. I can't help this feeling I have for you."


"I know it must feel frustrating."

"More than frustrating. It's like you're here to do nothing but make things worse."

"Honey, calm down."

"How many other girls do you do this to? With your sick mind games and your stupid hacking."

"Only you."

"Yeah, like I believe that."

"Oh but it's true, I really don't like people, not even my own friends, but I saw you one day and I felt something, I really can't help myself when it comes to you"

"Well go get therapy"

"Tried didn't help"

"How about medication"

"Only made things worse"

"How about talking to your parents"

"Again, nothing"

"That doesn't excuse what you did to that poor girl"

"Yeah it doesn't"

"Turn my computer back on"

"Of course love, but a few things before i got"

"What is it?"

"Just a few rules"

"Rules? So now I'm a child" I groaned out

"No but you don't want another incident?" the message threatened

I stayed silent

"Good now, one don't ever go on another so-called "date" with a boy, two no touching a boy and three dont ignore me"

"Fine, whatever"

"Aw good to see you still in a good mood"

My computer flickered back to life, the messages erased as if nothing had happened. An hour later, there was a gentle knock on my door, and I opened it to find Cristian standing there.

"Hey, did you forget about the tutoring?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I just... well, because school got canceled, I thought the tutoring did too. I'm sorry for not checking in with you."

"Oh, no worries. How are you holding up?"

"Uh, a little shaken I guess but I'll be alright," I said, lying through my teeth

He eventually left and I was left alone with my thoughts.

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