14. 0

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Chaz lay restless in the darkness, haunted by the silence that enveloped his once vibrant connections. Isabella's absence echoed in his mind, and the void left by their severed ties grew unbearable. 

It had been weeks since he last spoke to Isabella and Ximena and even Anastasia. He missed them, most especially Isabella. After a while of silence on social media she started creating more content. He watched every single one, eager to hear her voice and giggles. Her latest video was a makeup video, using Ximena as the test subject. They had fun, he could tell from their constant giggles and chatter. She looked happier than she didn't weeks ago and it made his heart warm.

He found solace, or perhaps a form of self-inflicted torture, in scrolling through Isabella's Instagram, indulging in the snippets of her life captured in pixels and videos.

Ambrose, ever the voice of reason, confronted Chaz's obsession. "This is pathetic," he remarked, crossing his arms disapprovingly as Chaz continued his digital pursuit of Isabella's life.

Defiant, Chaz shrugged off the judgment. "I don't miss her," he claimed, but his eyes betrayed a vulnerability that Ambrose couldn't ignore.

Chaz, sensing the underlying truth, pressed the issue. "Do you miss her?"

Chaz's gaze held a glint of vulnerability. "Not her," he clarified, taking Ambrose aback. "Ximena."

Ambrose, aware of the unspoken complexities, looked away. "She was a friend, so sure, I do," he admitted casually.

Chaz scoffed, his internal struggle evident. The weight of the unspoken emotions lingered in the air.

"I think I'll text her," Chaz declared, an impulse driving him to break the cycle of passive observation. "She might hate me, but I'm tired of stalking."

Ambrose, understanding the need for closure, encouraged him. "Do it."

Chaz nodded, resolution forming. "You should too."

Ambrose hesitated, his own unresolved feelings for Ximena complicating the situation. "She's behind me, Chaz. Please let me put her behind me."

With those words, Ambrose distanced himself, leaving Chaz to navigate the intricate web of emotions and choices. The shadows of unspoken words lingered, promising a tumultuous journey ahead.


Ximena sensed Isabella's abrupt reaction as Chaz's message interrupted their aimless scrolling. Isabella's skepticism about his apology hung in the air, and Ximena couldn't help but feel torn.

"He's sorry," Isabella scoffed, her disbelief evident.

Ximena, more optimistic, encouraged her friend. "That's good, he's sorry."

Isabella, ever cautious, dismissed the sentiment. "Maybe he wants something. Don't trust men, babes."

Ximena, choosing to see the potential for redemption, countered with a smile. "He truly is sorry, Isa."

Isabella, not easily swayed, redirected the conversation. "Let me ask you something." She turned to face Ximena. "If Ambrose came here apologizing, teary and sad, would you forgive him?"

Ximena hesitated, the weight of unspoken emotions lingering. "No," she admitted softly.

"Exactly," Isabella affirmed, laying back on the neatly arranged bed. "You shouldn't, and neither should I." With decisive finality, she blocked Chaz, severing the digital tie that had held them in a delicate balance of uncertainty. The room echoed with the unspoken complexities of forgiveness and the resolute choice to move forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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