1-2-Pre Shining Beacon

Start from the beginning

Ruby hearing the boy's words also began to think about it, it did seem quite unfair for them to get an early join... And it was strange too. " I mean I'm waay too young to even be going to Beacon... Sure I can fight really well and all that... But, isn't there more to it than that?" She wondered, looking down in thought.

As for Ozpin he kept his calm gaze and smile, feeling a little proud at the boy for not immediately blindly accepting his deal... Shows he's not as naive or as easily fooled as he was so long ago.

"You do have a point. It is unfair... However, is it really?" The man asked.

Hirozashi rose an eyebrow at the response. "What do you mean?" He asked shaking his head holding his hands up in confusion.

Ozpin chuckled as he stood up with a small grunt. "You and Ruby aren't like the rest at all... Your growths are far higher than you both think. Not only are you both prodgies both you both are very lucky though you would both say otherwise... I disagree." The man further explained, walking over and placing a hand on Hirozashi's shoulder with a warm smile.

The boy glanced at him before looking over at Ruby. The girl, noticing his gaze, looked away with a small blush but occasionally glanced back at him, but he wasn't specifically looking at her; he was looking at her eyes. Those familiar eyes that he can't remember for some reason, but he can feel power behind him—similar to his own but more... PURE.

He then glanced back at Ozpin who was still looking at him with that charming smile he's usually known.

"Hm, it's not just about us being "prodgies" is it? It's something else." He says with a narrowed gaze.

Ozpin just smiled back at him and snorted before turning from his looking over at Ruby.

"Hmhmhm, how "perspective" of you Mister Sukuni, it is not just about your natural talents... You also both have incredible but very rare abilities... One of you knows about them. And the other... doesn't." He states before walking back to his seat and sitting down glancing up at Hirozashi who now his arms had crossed with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Do you know what those abilities are? Miss Rose, Mister Sukuni?" The man asked, glancing at the both of them.

Ruby thinking about it shook her head with a shrug. "Uh... No. I'm lost, what ability do I have exactly? I mean you're not talking about my semblance, right?" She asked with a nervous chuckle, a little embarrassed she doesn't know what he means.

As for Hirozashi he knows exactly what the man is talking about, but he isn't sure if he should reveal it now out in the open.

"I know what you're talking about... But seriously is that all the reasonings you have to give an early join to Beacon?" He asked with a scowl.

Glynda scowled back at the boy. "Fix your tone and your face. Mister Sukuni, honestly when I thought you had actually grown you go right back to being a child." The woman scolded.

Hirozashi rolled his eyes ignoring her about to retort before Ozpin chided in.

"Mister Sukuni, that is my reasonings. And though you may think them dull or cliche... The Grimm have been getting stronger along with that she has been gaining new and more powerful recruits over these last few years... Along with the great war crippling most of Human and Faunus alike's military..." The man paused before looking up at the boy who had a more serious look on his face now.

"We will need ALL the help we can get. So, what do you say? Mister Sukuni." The man asks once more.

Hirozashi had his eyes down thinking about it for a moment before glancing over at Ruby. He wanted to know more about the girl and why she seemed familiar to someone he knew before.

He let out a soft sigh scratching the back of his head and offering Ozpin a tired smile.

"Sure... Why not."


Hirozashi chuckled remembering how he basically agreed because of some girl. He walked out of the shower with his hair soaked as is his near perfect muscular yet lean body, glistening from the water on it, he shakes his hair a little making some of the water fly out of it before grabbing a towel on the rack and using it to dry himself. 

After doing so he walks over to his mirror, looking at himself for a moment. "Can't believe I'm going to Beacon today... Honestly, I'd have thought I'd have wait another year... But oh well." He chuckled, narrowing his eyes a little as they faintly glowed momentarily.

He ran a hand through his hair with a small grin on his face. "Now if I can just get my huntsman license... I can actively go after that, bitch." He says with malice, excitement and bloodlust in his eyes and voice.

His eyes were glowing far more intensely now as a wide grin maniacal grin formed onto his face before he shook his head with a small chuckle, putting a hand on the side of his head with a woozy expression on his face.

"Yeesh, I need to chill... And change too." He muttered before walking out of the bathroom back to his room. "First, I'll change my clothes, then go to Beacon, then become a huntsman." He counted off the list of things he wanted to do on his fingers before pausing at the last one.

"And then kill the queen of Grimm or... die trying." 

He states with a small grin clenching his fists, walking into his room and closing the door behind him.


Location - Ozpin's Office, Beacon

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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