1-1-Enter Hirozashi Sukuni

143 2 0

Location - Vale, Apartment Complex

It was another late night in the Kingdom of Vale, everyone going about their business, whether it's closing up shop, going to parties, or... doing crime. As such, what was happening at a dust shop—a failed robbery being reported on—can be seen from a TV screen inside someone's apartment. That certain someone was watching the television with interest whilst eating a burger.

[We have good news tonight in Vale as an armed robbery on a dust shop has been thwarted by what the shop owner says was a young girl with a large scythe, possibly a huntsman in training.

The red-haired female reporter named Felica Scarlet stated, the last bit of what she said caught the person viewing the screen attention whilst he was reaching over to a table for a bottle of water.

[It should also be known that this robbery could possibly be tied in with the other robberies committed by the infamous criminal Roman Torchwick.]

As the reporter says this, the screen switches from her displaying mugshots of the ginger-haired felon to the person viewing the television grabbing the remote before turning it off, his face and peculiar red eyes visible in the reflection of the black screen.

He toke another bite of the burger before placing the plate on the table in front of the couch he was sitting on, he got up from the couch with a sigh before stretching a bit with a yawn. "Can't believe no one's caught that bastard yet... crazy..."  He muttered tiredly before walking towards the kitchen with his plate and beverage in hand.

"Maybe I should try my hand at catching him... get some good Lien out of it..." He chuckled stroking his cheek with a small grin as he placed his plate into the sink while no-look tossing his bottle into the bin.

He then rested his back against the sink folding his arms. "Nah, that old man told me to stay out of trouble unless I had no choice..."

His red eyes then gazed over at a counter that held a black piece about two feet in length and three in width. Writing was also inscribed onto the case-colored red. The writing was "A.M.A.M.H.A.B." or "Atlas Military Anti Material Hyper Action Blade." This case on the table held a powerful military weapon, yet it belonged to a teenager. Not too unbelievable in the world of Remnant considering lots of kids have powerful weapons or are just strong in general.

Anyway, an excited glint sparkled in the boy's ominous yet alluring red-slitted eyes as he gazed at the case. He walked over towards it, then placed a hand on it, gliding said hand on the case with a smirk on his face. His gaze followed his hand as he stopped at the top of the case, pressing a button that unraveled what was inside.

His pupils dilated slightly as he said the weapon, black being its primary color with a few drops of red being its secondary. The weapon did indeed resemble a powerful anti-material rifle, though there was no scope until the teen pressed one of the buttons on the side of the rifle activating one of its many mechanisms. The top of the sniper began slide open as suddenly nanobots began materializing themselves forming the scope of the rifle.

"But then again... I'm not one for obeying..." He said with cat like smile, picking up the weapon.

"28 KG in weight, 50x zoom on the scope, five feet in length, automatically fires rounds that can tear through several skyscrapers when fully charged." He smirked.

Hirozashi then began pulling on the handle of the weapon, indeed revealing a fairly long katana that glowed as bright as the boy's eyes, the blade was almost pure white but the gray dull side sort of cancelled it out.

"The H.A. Musamune... one of the best swords ever made." He gleamed as he began practice swinging the blade, making sure not to hit anything. He moved with the flair, skill, and grace of a professional.

He did several impressive arcs; the blade would spark red electricity which lit up the dark room anytime time he would slash or thrust; he looked over at a cup on a table a few feet away from him.

A smirk grew on his face as he focused intensely before slashing multiple times focusing only onto the cup before quickly doing a crouch sheathing motion with his sword.

In a few moments it was silent until slash marks slowly began appearing onto the cup before it exploded, Hirozashi slowly looked up with a sigh a bit disappointed.

"Damn... still didn't time it right... hmmph, one day maybe" He sighed with a dejected look, placing the weapon back into its case and closing said case before walking down a short hallway.

As he walked down the hallway he saw a door, grabbing the knob swinging the door open before entering into the dark room, he gazed to his left to a light switch turning it on, revealing everything that was hidden in the dark.

RWBY: Crimson EyesWhere stories live. Discover now