thirty-four: ENVY

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"H-Huhh?? Choi Beomgyu?? As in, Beomgyu, the fuck boy and your roommate back in university??" Soeun exclaims and Taehyun sighs, nodding.

"Feels weird to see him again." Taehyun says.

"Well yeah, the both of you disappeared." Soeun rolls her eyes and Taehyun playfully nudges her elbow.
"Now it kinda makes sense. I knew it was familiar." Soeun continues.
"What do you mean?" Taehyun asks.

"Yesterday, I overheard some of the employees gossiping and they said the our new Director or CEO we call him is a fuck boy and has weekly partners. Sounds familiar doesn't it?"

Taehyun feels his heart clench, especially at the word 'fuck boy' and 'weekly partners', memories of his first encounter with Beomgyu surfaces back.
'Is he submerging himself into his old habits?'

"But, why would you feel weird seeing him again? Weren't you two close?" Soeun asks and Taehyun coughs, clearing his throat.
'We were more than close.'

"Did you know why he left uni?" Taehyun asks, changing the subject.
"Hmm... not sure. Some people said he got a better education offer. Some say he's bored of fucking the people in uni-"

"Like you?" Taehyun cuts her off and Soeun scoffs.

"We made out once but we were both drunk. And I'm into girls." Soeun says and Taehyun's eyes widen.
A part of him feels relieved.

"Damn, and I even had a crush on you." Taehyun chuckles and so does Soeun.
"That's cute. But actually, I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed."

"Did Beomgyu leave because of you?" Soeun asks.
"W-What do you mean?" Taehyun asks back, then taking a sip from his drink.

"Five years have passed and you still suck in lying. Weren't you guys secretly lovers?-"
Taehyun immediately chokes on his drink, coughing and while Soeun pats his back, she giggles at Taehyun's flushed face.

"You weren't that subtle, Taehyun. Always skipping our study sessions-"
Taehyun coughs again and Soeun giggles.

"I'm sorry. I guess I got caught up." Taehyun says.
"So you admit it? That you're lovers?"

Taehyun takes a deep breath in and exhale, then shaking his head.
"We're exes now. You're close to me, I guess you were bound to find out sooner or later." Taehyun says.

"But what happened?"
Taehyun smiles.

"Sorry, but I prefer not to talk about it actually. It was long forgotten." He says.
'Five years.'

"I won't push. But you can always talk to me, okay?" Soeun reassures and Taehyun nods.

They both then stand up from their seats and before they leave, Soeun pulls Taehyun into a hug and the silver haired male reciprocates and smiles, embracing himself in the soft vanilla scent of the girl's hair.

It feels good to have his friend back and he enjoys it. Just two best friends enveloped in each other's warmth in utter comforting silence-
Which, of course, didn't last long.

"Terry Kang." A stern and low voice calls out.
Taehyun shoots his eyes open and just from the familiar husky voice, he can tell who it is and just hearing his name roll off his tongue instantly sends shivers down his spine.

Before he could do anything else, he feels a strong grip on his shoulder and is pulled away from Soeun's embrace.

He turns to his side to see the one and only-
Choi Beomgyu.

And again, before Taehyun can open his mouth, he feels something shoved into his hands and he looks down to see a few files before turning his attention back to Beomgyu.

LULLABY - TAEGYU  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now