seventeen: LIGHTHOUSE

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Taehyun slowly opens his eyelids from the sound of his alarm clock to find the space beside him empty and cold.

He immediately gets up and hits the showers, still half asleep and unaware that Beomgyu had left his bedroom.

After freshening up and ridding his sleep, Taehyun walks out from his room dressed in sweats as he doesn't have any classes today. It's a free day for him and he plans to make use of all the spare hours until he has to go to work.

The moment he steps into the kitchen, his eyes land on a plate of sandwiches with a small folded paper placed underneath the plate.
Taehyun grabs the paper and unfolds it to find a note from Beomgyu.

'I've gone to classes. Eat up!!'
- Beomgyu

Taehyun snorts as he takes a bite of the sandwiches Beomgyu had prepared for him.
"Jeez..." Taehyun mumbles.

'He's surprisingly very caring of others.'
The blonde's train of thoughts suddenly cuts off when he heard his phone ring on the kitchen counter top. He brings his phone screen up to his eyes only to see an unknown number.

Nevertheless, he picked it up.
"Hello?" Taehyun says into the call.

"A good morning would be nicer." A lady's voice responds.
"Huh?? Who am I talking to??" Taehyun asks although the voice sounded familiar.

"Choi Eunsoo. If you remember well, I'm Beomgyu's mom."

"Oh. Mrs Choi, I didn't expect a call from you. Do you need something?" Taehyun asks politely, although deep in his heart, he really wants to end the call.

"I need you to meet me at my office. You know where that is, right? I'll see you in half an hour and don't tell my son. See you~"
She ends the call.

Taehyun clicks his tongue and scratches his head in confusion. Never had he expected to receive a call from Beomgyu's mom, nor meet her alone??

Shiver start climbing up his spine as he starts to feel uncomfortable. And it has been bugging him the entire time he changes his clothes and foxes his hair before he leaves the dorm.

Something doesn't feel right.


Taehyun gets off the cab the moment he reaches the building where Beomgyu's mom's office is located according to the address he searched up.

He pays the cab driver before walking into the building and approaches the front counter only for the receptionist to instantly recognise him. The next thing he knew, he's being guided into the elevator by a body guard until they reach the highest floor of the building.

Taehyun follows the guard from behind until they reach the door of her office.

The guard knocks on the door and when they both hear the faint 'come in', he pushes the door open and gestures Taehyun to go in, which he does, after taking a deep breath in and out.

"Taehyun." Mrs Choi calls out as she gestures Taehyun to sit across her, to which Taehyun nods and does as told.
"You wanted to see me?" Taehyun asks.
"How are you?" She asks, changing the topic.

Taehyun frowns at that.

"Uhh... I'm fine?" Taehyun answers and Mrs Choi nods, letting the silence wrap around them once  again.
"Look, Mrs Choi. I'm not trying to be disrespectful but I will appreciate it if you don't beat around the bush and tell me why you called me here? I've got things I've planned out to do today." Taehyun says, disrupting the silence.

"Good to know, you're a straight forward person." She says.
Mrs Choi pulls out a few papers and lay them in front of Taehyun. She then pulls out a suit case and unlocks it in front of the blonde, revealing stacks of cash.

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