twenty-seven: CREEPING

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Taehyun eventually returned back to his dorm and by the time he did, it was already late in night and Beomgyu happened to be lying in his bed, waiting for the younger to finally come home.

"Hyung~" Taehyun calls out with a sweet voice and Beomgyu peers up from his phone to shoot the blonde boy a lovely smile as he opens his arms.

Taehyun doesn't hesitate to immediately dive into the older's arm, instantly being enveloped with Beomgyu's warmth.

"How's dinner?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun's face instantly turns sullen but he doesn't show it.
"Great. It's been a while since I've seen Soobin-hyung's family." Taehyun says.
But deep down he can't help but be worried and recall how Soobin's mom glanced at him after receiving that one call.

"I've missed you~" Beomgyu coos and Taehyun giggles.
"You tell me that everyday."
Beomgyu chuckles before he releases Taehyun to allow the younger to wash up before going to sleep with him.

After about half an hour or so, Taehyun slips under the covers and lets himself be curled into the warmth of the older once again with Beomgyu's arms wrapped around his waist. Although he's sure in about a few hours time, they'll be u tangled from one another.

As hours passed as they laid on Taehyun's bed, Beomgyu had drifted to sleep long ago the moment he had Taehyun in his arms while Taehyun... was feeling uneasy.

Taehyun finds himself tossing and turning on the bed. At some point he even sat up.
"Why can't I sleep?" Taehyun whispers to himself, letting out a groan.

He then continues to tussle and shuffle on the bed, trying to find a comfy position to sleep in only to fail. And just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, he accidentally wakes up Beomgyu from his deep slumber.

Beomgyu opens his eyes upon the shuffling he feels on the bed and finds Taehyun with his eyes still open and an uneasy look across his face.

"You can't sleep?" Beomgyu asks, slightly shocking the younger.
"Did I wake you up, hyung? Sorry." Taehyun apologizes and Beomgyu shakes his head.

The older pulls Taehyun into a hug and positions himself higher to rest his chin on Taehyun's head.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun scoffs.

"Y'know, I'm still adjusting to you being all sweet to me. Sometimes it makes me wanna gag-"
"What were you expecting? Me to not be sweet with my boyfriend? Want me to spank you?"

"I don't know... you're the university's fuck boy and had painted a horny image-"
"So you want me to be horny around you?" Beomgyu asks.

Before Taehyun can react, Beomgyu slides his hands around Taehyun's waist and hovers over him.
"I can do that." Beomgyu winks.
"Hyung!! Ahh.."

Taehyun lets out a moan when he suddenly feels Beomgyu attach his lips on his neck, kissing, sucking and abusing the same spot over and over again.

Beomgyu slides his fingers underneath Taehyun's shirt and begins to roam his hands up the younger's slender body, heating the younger up, to the point Taehyun tilts his head back at the sudden gesture.
But Taehyun too, had other plans.

"And like hell I'd let you have your way." Taehyun says with a devilish grin as he pulls Beomgyu by the collar and crashed their lips together.

He shoves the older away from him once Beomgyu had let his guard down and flips them both that now Taehyun's stature hovers over Beomgyu, earning a shocked look from the older as Taehyun straddles his thighs.

Nevertheless, Beomgyu grips Taehyun's hips as he locks eyes with the younger while shooting a satisfied grin, the bold action arousing him.

"You're pretty sexy for someone painted innocent." Beomgyu says and he bites his bottom lip as he strokes the younger's thighs until they're dangerously close to his crotch-

That's until Taehyun stops his hand and leans down to connect their lips again.
Beomgyu smiles against the kiss as he allows Taehyun to dominate the kiss once in a while, enjoying how cute the younger is for trying to heat up the kiss.

Beomgyu tangles his fingers in Taehyun's hair and tugs on it lightly, causing Taehyun to gasp, giving him the chance to slip his tongue pass Taehyun's lips. He continues to suck on Taehyun's bottom lip, eventually switching to his upper lip.

And just before they pulled away, Beomgyu bites on Taehyun's bottom lip, earning another gasp and Taehyun quickly moves away, smacking Beomgyu on the chest.

Beomgyu chuckles and Taehyun does too as he finally lies down on top of the older's chest.
"Did that get your mind off? With whatever you were bothered with?" Beomgyu asks while he tucks a strand of hair behind Taehyun's ear.

"Kinda. I don't really want to talk about it." Taehyun says and Beomgyu nods understandingly.
"I won't force you. But, just so you know-"

Beomgyu takes Taehyun's hand into his and kisses his wrist.
"I'm here for you." Beomgyu assures.

The ends of Taehyun's lips curve into a smile.
"By the way butterfly, should we go on a date soon?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun lights up upon hearing the question roll out his tongue.

"Where are we going??" Taehyun asks.
"Where do you feel like eating?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun pouts, thinking.

"Sushi!!" Taehyun exclaims, letting out a giggle and Beomgyu chuckles too.
"Fine by me. Shall we go this weekend?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun nods.
"The earlier the better, I'm craving for sushi."

"Y'know..." Beomgyu says in a low voice while his fingers sneakily play with the hem of Taehyun's shirt.
"Sushi isn't the only thing I like raw." Beomgyu says in a teasing tone.

Taehyun titles his head in confusion but after registering what the older had just said, his face instantly turns beat red and he smacks Beomgyu on the chest once again before he rolls off of him and lays beside him, facing the older away.

Beomgyu coos at how shy Taehyun got.
"C-C'mon hyung, go to sleep or you'll get a hell of a night of insomnia. Sheesh..." Taehyun says.
"Goodnight, butterfly." Beomgyu says after placing a kiss at the back of Taehyun's head.



The next day, morning.

Taehyun scrunches his eyebrows at the loud sound coming from his phone. He then slowly opens his eyelids and what he assumes to be his alarm turned out to be wrong.

He sits up on the bed and grabs his phone from his night stand to find a call from an unknown number.
'Who the fuck?'
Taehyun turns to his side to see Beomgyu still asleep peacefully and soundly. Damn this boy sleeps like a log.

Quietly, Taehyun slips out from the bed and takes the call outside the room at the kitchen. He then picks up the call.

"Hello?" Taehyun calls out.
"Taehyun, it's Mrs Choi. Beomgyu's mom." The caller says.

Taehyun's eyes immediately shoot open and he clears his throat. More importantly, his heart suddenly picks up its pace at the random call from the person he least expected.

"We need to meet up." She says.
"Huh?" Taehyun's jaw dropped down clueless.

But he then feels the same uneasy feeling he felt yesterday and his stomach starts to twist.
"We need to meet up-" She repeats again.

"But don't bring Beomgyu with you."

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