thirty-two: TERRY

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5 years later…

"23 years old. Graduated from HYBE University in Canada with a double degree in Business Administration and Finance and has taken an elective in Human Resources Management." The lady says and the man across her nods with a satisfied smile across his lips.

"Was there a reason why you picked to transfer back to Korea instead of staying in Canada?" She asks.
"My parents own a restaurant in Japan but, the secretary at the branch there will only be retiring a few months later. So, the closest is Korea. I grew up here too, you can say I really missed the place." The young man says.

"You're transferring here until you get an offer from Japan, right?"

The lady smiles before handing back the resume and cover letter back to the man in front with a letter of acceptance.

"You may start working tomorrow. Welcome to Bighit Entertainment, Terry Kang." She smiles.
The man stands up and gives a 90 degree bow before shooting the lady one last smile.
"Please. Call me Taehyun." Taehyun introduces before leaving the room.

Taehyun, skipping in joy, makes his way to the nearby cafe down town. He's back in Seoul, although for a short while, but he managed to land the job he wanted and today's a special day.
After five years, he's finally meeting his lifeline.

After arriving, ordering some pastries and waiting at the cafe for half an hour, the door of the cafe swings open, catching all customers' attention including Taehyun and the now silver haired boy smiles, eyes widen as tears started to form in his eyes.

He makes eye contact with the man at the entrance before jumping out from his seat with his arms open as he welcomes the man in his arms.

"Soobin-hyung!!" Taehyun exclaims, hugging the taller on the torso.
"Shit. Taehyun... it's really you??" Soobin asks, leaning his head on Taehyun's shoulder as his tears now fall, soaking the fabric of Taehyun's coat.

"Yah, hyung~" Taehyun whines as he pulls away from the hug, only to giggle at how teary eyed his best friend had become.

"Why are you crying?? I should be the one crying..." Taehyun pouts, tears finally spilling down his cheeks from the over whelming feeling of seeing his friend cry because of him.

"Wait a minute..." Soobin snaps his senses before smacking Taehyun on the shoulders countless times, earning a few 'ow's spilling out of Taehyun's mouth.

"What do you fucking expect?? You have no idea the hell I went through when you disappeared like that!! How long has it been?? Five years?? With nk contact, you didn't bother to call and all a sudden, I receive a call from you??" Soobin raises his voice and Taehyun looks down to the ground, guilt washing over him.

It's true. Taehyun had left. He left everyone behind, with no trace so that no one would know about his whereabouts.
Soobin sighs and pulls Taehyun into a hug again.

"Everyone was so worried. I missed you badly. It felt like I couldn't go through a single day..." Soobin mumbles and Taehyun hums.

"I'm sorry. I'm not going anywhere this time. If I did, I'll let you know. I promise." Taehyun reassures.
Taehyun brings Soobin to their table and they catch up with each other.
Of course, five years without seeing each other, there's got to be a lot of stories to tell.

Taehyun had been living in Canada ever since he left Korea while his parents left for Japan. He was worried for his parents at first, but they managed to open up a Korean restaurant there and it's loved by many.

And in the midst of the two best friends chatting and laughing, Soobin's squirming in his seat, fidgeting with his fingers as he's unsure of how to bring up the question he's been wanting to ask.
"Can I ask you something?" Soobin asks and Taehyun notices the unsure tone in his voice.

"Of course." Taehyun smiles although a part of him feels like he'll know exactly what the latter would ask.
Soobin takes a deep breath in before he opens his mouth again.
"Did you really not talk to Beomgyu ever since you left?" Soobin asks.

There's the question he's been dreading to ask, yet he wanted to hear.
Ever since he left, guilt had consumed him, corrupted him. Everyday, Taehyun has troubles going to sleep, too afraid of the dark and he's haunted by the thought of what Beomgyu might have thought of him.

Now that he's back, he's unsure of how to face him. He's not sure if he'll ever see him again. Knowing Beomgyu's a chaebol and taking over his family's business, he'll probably be somewhere where not even superiors can meet him.

He had to. He had to leave Beomgyu no matter how much he hated it. No one would understand.
But now, he's finally free.

Both promises have been fulfilled.
But Taehyun's aware and he's pretty sure-
Beomgyu hates him to the core.

"No... I didn't." Taehyun says, smiling faintly.
Soobin then notices how uneasy the younger looked and nods at Taehyun's reply, deciding not to push the matter further.

"H-How's Beomgyu doing? Actually..." Taehyun asks, stuttering.
The latter's name hadn't rolled out his tongue for years.
"You weren't the only one who disappeared-" Soobin says.

"A week after you left, he furthered his studies somewherr in the UK. Heard he got an offer there. Then, there were no news about him." Soobin continues.
"I see. Not even Yeonjun-hyung knows?"

Soobin shakes his head.
"They do contact. But Beomgyu always refused to tell him his whereabouts. So we really, really don't know where he is or what he's doing now." Soobin says.

"He's not returning to Seoul?"
"I doubt he will. There's a HYBE branch at the UK, he'll probably be based there for a few years before returning to Seoul."

Taehyun nods.
He forgot to mention the details.

3 years ago, both Haneul and Byeol finally came to good terms (sort of) and have decided to merge their companies and they both own a humongois amount of shares in HYBE, making them the owners.

Ever since then, HYBE has been more than successful. They've expanded their education branches to add more universities globally and they've launch their own fashion line too. They also own entertainment companies such as BigHit, BeLift and Pledis.

"Hyung, I forgot to mention. I finally got the job!! I'm a secretary now!!" Taehyun exclaims, displaying his aligned teeth and dimples.

"Ohh?? I'm so proud of you!!" Soobin says, pinching the younger's cheeks.
"I'm officially your secretary." Taehyun says cheerfully, giggling after.
But Soobin scrunches his eyebrows.

"You're my secretary?" He asks and Taehyun nods.
"But I just got a new secretary last week." Soobin says.
Taehyun's eyes widen, his mouth hanging open at the sudden drop of the bomb.

"Huhh?? Aren't you the director of BigHit Entertainment??" Taehyun asks.
"I transferred to fashion last week??"
"You transferred and didn't tell me??"

"How am I suppose to know, you literally appeared today after 5 goddamn years-"
"Yah, who the fuck am I working under then??" Taehyun cuts him off.
"I don't knowwww??!" Soobin exclaims, a offing after.

"WhAT do You MEAN you don't know??"
"Why would I care about who's taking over the company I transferred from?? They don't even tell me who the new director is??"

"Hyung??!" Taehyun exclaims, voice coming out in a panicked tone and eyes in disbelief.
"Awhh whatever it is, I'm sure the director is nice. Don't worry about it." Soobin reassures.

"Gosh, I'm suddenly having a headache." Taehyun says while pinching the bridge of his nose and Soobin chuckles.
"Where are you staying by the way?" Soobin asks, changing the topic.
Smooth as ever.

"I rented an apartment nearby. It's really nice, kinda small but it's really cozy." Taehyun says.
"Should we go over?? I'll invite Kai and Yeonjun. You haven't told them about your arrival right??

They'll freak out to know you're back." Soobin says, already digging his pockets to fish out his phone.
"I'll ask Yeonjun to grab drinks. Yah, send me your address-"

"Gosh, it's my first day of work tomorrow and you're inviting me to be wasted??" Taehyun cocks an eyebrow and Soobin rolls his eyes.

The older chuckles.

"A sip wouldn't hurt, right?"

LULLABY - TAEGYU  ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant