nine: ZOMBIE

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Beomgyu can't sleep a wink.

He rejected his fling from coming over but now, he finds himself tossing and turning on his bed, feeling as restless as ever.
Beomgyu reaches out for his phone from his nightstand to find it's almost 4am. He lets out a heavy sigh as he places his phone back.

"Gosh, what's the reason??" Beomgyu asks himself, ruffling his hair in frustration, leaving it dishevelled.

He slept so well yesterday and he's been thinking about every possibility, tracing back what he's done yesterday but all he thinks of is his one and only roommate, Kang Taehyun.

'Should I go to his room?'

Beomgyu shakes his head, dejecting his own idea. Taehyun will just think of him as a creep if he showed up in his room unannounced and asked him to sleep with him.

Not gonna happen.

"Haish..." Beomgyu groans in frustration.

He must've gone insane. Maybe it's because yesterday he happened to be extremely exhausted than before which caused him to sleep.

But what can he do?? Run 10 laps around the university just to be able to sleep, risking the morning cramps he'll receive??


The next morning, Taehyun wakes up to his alarm going off. He slowly sits up, turning the alarm off before stretching his arms as he lets out a yawn.

After freshening up, Taehyun makes his way to the kitchen to make himself breakfast when a few minutes later, he hears trudging footsteps coming from the other bedroom and he turns around only for his entire body to erupt in ferocious goosebumps of fear and shock.

Beomgyu had visible and horrible eye bags and his body crouches forward while he glares right into Taehyun's soul.
He looked like he hadn't slept at all, but then again he has insomnia. But during the previous days, he doesn't seem to look this bad.

He looked like a combination of terrifying, horrible and all the bad. He looked like a fucking zombie.
"Uhh... morning, hyung? I made breakfa- yahh!!"

Before Taehyun could finish his sentence, Beomgyu drags Taehyun by the arm and pulls the younger into his room. Without any warning, Beomgyu throws Taehyun onto his bed, instantly hovering over the smaller's body within seconds, startling the younger.

"W-What the hell?? Hyung?!" Taehyun exclaims.

'What the hell, what the hell, what the hell??!'

'Shit, is this the end of me??'

"Hyung?? Let me- what the?? Hyung!!"

Taehyun's rambling is cut off when Beomgyu suddenly pulls him into a tight hug, flushing the younger's face against his chest as he laid beside him. Taehyun feels a blush creep up his face at the close proximity.

He slowly looks up to see Beomgyu with his eyes closed while furrowing his eyebrows, his grip around Taehyun tightening in seconds.

Taehyun feels like he's about to suffocate to death.

"Why isn't it working? Why don't I feel sleepy??" Beomgyu mumbles, but loud enough for Taehyun to hear.
"W-What??" Taehyun blurts out, instantly shoving himself away from Beomgyu's grasp.

"Get your flings to sleep with you, you nut job!!" Taehyun exclaims before jumping off the bed, quickly exiting Beomgyu's room, leaving the older clueless.

But then, Beomgyu musters up a smile. A smile of relief.

'Looks like I'm wrong. Maybe I was really just very tired.'


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL??" Yeonjun laughs, letting out an inhumane snort, earning an eye roll from Beomgyu who's sitting across the table at the cafe.

Since Beomgyu finished his classes early, he invited Yeonjun over to the cafe so they could talk. He really needed to let it out on someone and who better than his best friend?

But of course, Yeonjun being the brat he is, will take any small bits of Beomgyu to laugh and tease him.

"Damn... it's only been what? More than a week?? And you're so occupied with your roommate." Yeonjun comments, then sipping his drink.

"Shut up. I'm still trying to figure out how I sleep so freaking well. There's no way I was exhausted as fuck, but all that I can wrap around my mind is goddamn Kang Taehyun." Beomgyu says.

"Maybe it is him?" Yeonjun asks, earning a scoff from the raven haired.

"I literally pulled him onto my bed and hugged him while closing my eyes and I don't feel sleepy??"

"That's because it's morning dumbass. We sleep at night. Try again maybe??"
"Try again??" Beomgyu cocks an eyebrow.

"Hell, Taehyun will think I'm a creep!" Beomgyu continues.

"And since when do you care about what others think of??" Yeonjun asks but Beomgyu dodges the question.

"Puh-leaseee, if it's anyone who's the creep, it's Taehyun. He latched onto me when he was scared of the dark that day." Beomgyu says.

"That's kinda cute." Yeonjun chuckles.

"Hyung?? Your eyes??"

"Ehem, you mean yours?? Taehyun's such a cutie, I wanna keep him in my pocket."

"What the fuck?? Is this because he's close with your boyfriend that you're so soft about him??"
Yeonjun rolls his eyes.

"You're just too arrogant to see it. Anyway, just charm him into sleeping with you, like how you do with your flings." Yeonjun says.

Beomgyu scoffs at the statement.

"You know me hyung, I don't ask people to sleep with me. They ask me to sleep with them. And Kang Taehyun??-"
"Out of my list."

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