twenty-four: WARMTH

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The next morning, Beomgyu wakes up, his body feeling cold and his eyes meet the empty space beside him.

Taehyun was gone and didn't bother to wake him up nor did he leave any message for Beomgyu after the older checked his phone.

After freshening up, the raven haired male walks out from the bedroom and to the kitchen only to find Taehyun's step-mom.

"Oh, Mrs Kang. Good morning." Beomgyu greets and Taehyun's mom smiles.
"Morning, Beomgyu. Did you uve a good sleep?" She asks and the curves of Beomgyu's lips turn into a grin.

"I did."
Ohh he definitely did.

"By the way, where's Taehyun? He left without waking me up." Beomgyu asks.
"He left to bug some stuff with his dad before opening the restaurant. You can meet them there after breakfast."

Beomgyu nods as he takes a seat at the kitchen table and seconds later, Taehyun's mom serves him a plate of the classic scrambled eggs, toasts and jam.
"Eat up." She says and Beomgyu smiles.

"Thank you. You're really nice." Beomgyu compliments.
He really didn't expect to be served breakfast, especially from someone else's parents, not even his parents bother to cook him up breakfast. Although the maids at his family home cooks him delicious food, it just...

Lacks of love.

"Taehyun takes up my trait, don't you think?" She asks, letting out a giggle.
"He does. He's a sweetheart-" Beomgyu says in a heartbeat.

"Does his sharp tongue and snarky remarks come from you too?" Beomgyu asks and she laughs.
"Perks of being raised by a sassy savage mom."

Beomgyu chuckles and so does Taehyun's mom. She then takes a seat across Beomgyu, resting her chin on her palm as she watches Beomgyu eat, which catches Beomgyu's attention.

"You're not eating?" Beomgyu asks and she shakes her head.
"Beomgyu, I'm a wife and a mother." She straight up says and Beomgyu smiles, understanding what she meant.

"But, it's lovely. To see your loved ones eat what you cook for them." She says and Beomgyu nods, agreeing.

"It really is. You're lucky Mrs Kang."
The two then fall into silent as Beomgyu continues to eat breakfast, only a few bites left until his platter is emptied then does Taehyun's mom break the silence.

"You like him right? My son." She blurts out
Beomgyu's eyes widen and almost chokes on his food, to which Taehyun's mom immediately hands him a glass of water for him to chug down.

After taking a few sips, Beomgyu clears his throat but the red hue remains evident on his cheeks.
"W-Was it that obvious?" Beomgyu stutters but then realizes that he's basically exposing himself to the mother of his crush.

"You're literally blushing right now. To me, it was-"
"Wait, no, actually-"

"Don't lie to me Beomgyu. I've noticed it since you came here, you look at Taehyun with heart eyes."
Beomgyu sighs, admitting defeat. There's no use of lying anyway after literally exposing himself. What's the use of covering it anyway in front of a mom??

They're moms for a reason. They see you through you crystal clear.
"Taehyun doesn't seem to see it though." Beomgyu says in a deflating mode.

"That boy's always been oblivious. Just like his dad." She says and Beomgyu chuckles.
"You're a good guy, Beomgyu. Please take care of Taehyun." She says and Beomgyu smiles before nodding his head.

"I will."


As mentioned by Taehyun's mom, Beomgyu makes his way to their family restaurant and enters through the back door. Even though it's only been a day since he started helping out around the restaurant, the staff had come to like him and Beomgyu has never felt so comfortable around people.

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