15 | Death to Life

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Ei's POV

The burden grows greater everyday. My thirst to maintain eternity becomes stronger. 

My sister's dying face remains vivid in my head - it's a sight that is too cruel to endure, and I weep every night, begging it was me who had died back then. But no amount of tears or regrets can change the past.

So that is also why a sacrifice is required to be made, no matter what consequences arrive to me or the people around me. I have found a path for you to return to these very grounds - for you to breathe again and walk with your two legs. 

Makoto. I have found a girl who will bring you to life. They key to eternity. To her, I am her saviour, the purpose of her life and her commander. It may take hundreds of years, but I will do anything to bring you back. 

Miko has been training the girl for a couple months as of now, and I see her powers blossom increasingly each day. Miko's training methods may seem harsh, but it is a necessary process that is needed for her to rise to her former self. She believes she is human, so she acts like one. To become a puppet means to abide to her ruler's orders, and lose all sense of reason - just simply remain on one's strings to be controlled. Her emotions and pity for humans and illusions must be demolished, even if it means she must throw away her sanity. 

I see her suffer, her chest is void and she screams in agony. I pity her, but I know that pitying her would only cause myself harm. So I must let her remain confined to these shackles that bind her, for she is the key to open the door to life and death, and bring you back. Now, it is only time that is needed to pass for her to unlock and go past the limit that she has so far been constrained to, and fulfil her duties. 

I do not believe it was simply chance that lead me to discover such treasure - perhaps, it was all a play set out by the heavenly principles to return you to life. 

My dear sister, I will not rest until you are brought back to life. No matter what it takes - even if it means I must throw everything away, if I have to kill everyone I know and make everyone bow down to me - I will save you. 

"I'm curious with how you manage to stay in this cramped space, just thinking. Don't you ever get bored?" A voice spoke out, and I immediately knew who it could be - alas, there was now only one person who could speak to me with such attitude. 

"...I expect you're here to report progress on Y/N?" I responded back to Miko without moving an inch, and every time I uttered that name, I became reminded of my sister. 

"Hmph. Well, of course. She appears to be quite accustomed to killing people now, enough to know that she has almost lost her mind - though it seems that Y/N and the illusion has formed quite a bond. Cute, almost, though it's strange for the killer and victim to share such wholesome conversations."

"...That's good to hear." 

"Are you referring to Y/N losing her mind, or her and the illusion sharing conversations?" Miko's laughter rang out, sharp and cutting - it was obvious that she wanted to catch me off guard even a little bit. And her intentions seemed to have succeeded, as no words seemed to escape. 

After a moment of pause, I ignored her question - perhaps the reason was because I didn't truly know what my answer was. "...Anything else to say?" 

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