11 | My purpose...?

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As my eyes traced around the tip of the sword repeatedly, my legs trembled, panting for breath. I grasped onto the sword, determination in my eyes - yet realising my current state left me helpless. 'Fire!'  The word spiralled in my head, desperate to activate my sword to something bigger. 'Please... just become infused with fire, please!' I desperately shouted in my head, my eyes avoiding the pink-haired woman who seemed to analyse my every move, expression and thoughts. 

While her eyes glared at my helpless state, she wandered around with her hands behind her back, often chuckling at my lack of strength. She seemed to be mocking me, as if it was her way to tell me that she was superior than me by all means. I clenched my teeth, fighting against the helplessness that threatened to engulf me. The determination to resist her mockery flickered within, but the reality of my weakened state was an anchor that kept me grounded. 

Then, came a series sharp words that pierced my chest, though I should have expected it from a figure like her. 

"It's been eleven days..." She muttered as she paused, walking towards me with elegance that brought upon fear, simply with her presence. Her eyes glowed with dominance as she eyed my state - bruised and covered with scratches due to the number of times that I attempted to infuse the sword with fire. "...So why is your sword still silver and clean of ashes? Don't tell me that she was wrong about you!" 

To even create fire, or any element, was an impossible gesture for those without a vision. And here I stood visionless, trying to create fire for the sword. My attempts were futile, yet Miko - the one that brought terror to my eyes, had commanded it as if it was a simple act to do. Perhaps for her, I was a mere test subject who was revived from the dead, the only purpose for my existence being to serve my saviour until time collapsed. This 'saviour' that Miko had mentioned numerous times had become the sole reason for my existence. I didn't know who 'she' was - not her name, her face or identity - she had simply become someone that my entire new life revolved around. 

There were countless insistences when I longed to escape from this torture and return back to my loved ones, yet I knew that doing so would only make us become an enemy of eternity - just like Miko stated. In my mind, I thought of an alternate world where I was happy with my family and friends, and in Kabukimono's warm embrace. I missed them, yet when I tried to think of them, my mind would simply appear as blank - my memories of their appearance had faded away in the short time, and no matter how much I reached out to imagine myself with them, in the end it would futile. I missed them even though I found myself in this unique method of torture, trying to do something that a visionless person like myself could never do. Would they miss me too? 

"Sometimes, I find myself doubting 'her' intentions, though I shouldn't. Did you really come back from the dead?!" Miko scoffed, and she was now right beside me, glaring at my sword as if she was telling me to infuse it with fire this instant. 

I thought that she would mock me with her words or continue to glare at me with those piercing eyes as usual, but instead came a stinging pain across my cheek. The sudden crack echoed through the air as her hand made contact with my cheek, the sharp pain intensifying in the aftermath. At first, my cheeks were numb to the sudden impact - but after the realisation that I had been slapped, the pain suddenly returned at once ruthlessly. The sound lingered, as if I had become trapped in a state where all I felt was the sensation of the slap. The noise created by the slap echoed, and I placed my hand on the cheek that felt like it had been stabbed. 

My face slowly turned towards hers, shaken by the unexpected feeling. There was no trace of guilt or sympathy in her eyes, and instead was the expression of satisfaction, devoid of any sign of remorse. The air felt heavy after the slap, the sting still lingering. I looked at her with confusion and fear, hoping to find some humanity in her cold gaze. Yet, all I saw was a triumphant expression, no remorse in her harsh actions. She had wanted me to deeds of the impossible, but when I had failed to do so, what I received was a penetrating slap. 

It felt unfair. But in this world, was anything truly fair

"I expect progress in within five days. If you fail to complete the assignment by then, you shall be punished. Do you understand?" She spoke calmly but with authority, a sense of harshness in her voice. 

"I understand..." As I spoke, I gazed at the sword with anger that I couldn't control, yet I found no evident reason to place the blame of my suffering on the object. 

"Good. I will be off somewhere else in the meantime, so I shall meet you again in five days. Oh, and don't even dare attempt to escape. I have eyes everywhere~" Her instructions hung in the air, the weight of the impending task settling on my shoulders. 

As she left, the atmosphere felt emptier, but the invisible pressure of her watchful eyes lingered. I clenched my fists, my frustration directed not only at her but at the entire situation. With every moment that passed, I found myself in regret. In the beginning, I was sure that my sacrifice was necessary. But now... I felt helpless, and the regret was eating me up gradually. I tried to push aside the creeping doubt, the crucial question of whether my sacrifice had been in vain. But the more I grappled with my surroundings, the more it became apparent that I had willingly handed over control of my fate to someone whose motives seemed to require me to pursure my saviour's wishes. 

I collapsed to the ground, my sword thrown to the ground. I sat there with a blank expression, wondering if this was the right thing to do. To be trapped in this cage, controlled like a puppet - was that who I had become? Puppets... That's right, Kabukimono was a puppet

Ah... Kabukimono. 

The pain of his absence lingered within me, echoing in my mind with an intensity that seems to defy the passage of time. The slap had hurt me, yet realising I was alone pained me even more. 

I miss you so much. 


As I remained slouched on the warm floor in front of the Sakura tree, I let myself be consumed by the rays of sunlight. And while I idled with the thoughts of 'what could have been' in my mind, my eyes closed as I allowed the hours to pass, and soon the sun was setting. For a moment, there was a sense of relaxation, just letting myself be consumed with thoughts of the ones I loved. 

I tried to savour these brief moments of peace amidst the storm that was being cooked up simultaneously, because perhaps this would be the last time to experience such peace - though it was not the happiness I truly desired. 


A/N: Hi, I'm back! And so is PART TWO!

This is a pretty short chapter, so I apologise. If there are any questions, please ask me! I will do my best to directly answer if it does not affect the story too hugely, however if it is about a plot-hole, I will make changes to the chapters first-hand. 

Thank you for reading!

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