3 | The Eternal Tree

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As the days went by, Kabukimono and I got closer, and he would now be able to comfortably converse me, although he was still afraid of Emiko, most likely due to her rough personality. The first time that the two of them met, all chaos broke through - Emiko, being the ridiculously wild girl she was, chased the poor boy around while he ran for his life, sometimes hiding behind me.  It had been two weeks since I had met him, and I enjoyed his company everyday. 

Today, I wanted to show him the 'Eternal Tree', like I had written in my diary the first day I met him. I wondered if I should bring Emiko too so that they could become closer, so I decided to ask him today. 

There was no sight of rain and the ground was dry with some patches of plants that spread life. Kabukimono, Emiko and I were hanging around at our safe spot, just talking like typical fifteen year old's. 

"So I was like, 'what, no way!', and he was clearly blushing, like what?!" Emiko went on and on about her crush, Aoto, who lived only three houses away from her. Ever since she met him two weeks ago, it was all that she talked about. Aoto this, Aoto that, every sentence that came out of her mouth involved him. Being the good friend I was, I cheered her on, knowing full well that Aoto had also in fact liked her too, and Emiko had caught up pretty fast. 

Kabukimono stayed silent during the whole conversation however, not knowing what to say. I turned my face towards him, and saw his same expressionless face that I saw when I first met him. He must have felt uncomfortable around Emiko, probably due to her loudness and enthusiasm. 

"Emiko! Your brother's bleeding, get over here!" Emiko's mother yelled at the top of her lungs, gesturing to get her to quickly get back to her house. While groaning, Emiko started to make her way back to her house, her back slouching. 

"Hmph, and I was just getting to the best part. Ugh, whatever, see ya guys tomorrow!" She said excitedly, and now it was just two of us left. I could visibly tell that he was feeling relieved. 

"She's a bit crazy at times, but I assure you that she is an amazing friend and person!" I said as I gently pat his head, and his hair felt so soft that I wanted to do it again. He was just too cute, and although he was always trying to act mature, his childish side always got to me. 

"She's just... noisy." He responded, his cheeks becoming a faint tint of pink as I continued to pat his head. I chuckled, and was reminded of the Eternal Tree. 

"Hey, have you seen the Eternal Tree yet?" 


"Do you want to go see it? It's only a couple of minutes from here, my parents won't mind." 


And with that, I held onto his hands tightly and starting walking to the Eternal Tree, a colossal tree that glistened with beauty, it stood like a precious artifact with it's pink and purple leaves swaying to one side angelically. 


When we got there, Kabukimono paused. His footsteps stopped, and his eyes widened while his mouth was spread, agape. He looked as he had been star-struck, as his eyes scanned the tree in with exhilration. I had seen this tree many times in the past, but whenever my eyes met the tree, all that filled me was joy and excitement. 


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