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I haven't felt this happy in a long time, just looking at her gives me so much joy, I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone like Quinn in my life.

Someone who loves me so deeply that I can actually feel it. I just want to keep showing my love to her over and over again.

We have been together for almost 6 months now, everything still feels so surreal to me because I've only known her for almost 6 months, but it feels like I've known her my whole life.

I finally found what I've been looking for, my father always talked about love, he loved love. I used to get so mad at him, how could he talk so highly about love when it has only ever stabbed him in the back?

But when I came of age, my father pulled me aside and said.

“My son, one day, you will meet someone who will take your breath away, and that person will then end up becoming the most important person in your life, but you should remember to always treat the person with kindness, love, and respect.”

I have never understood those words more than when I met Quinn, and when I finally said the three words that scared me the most in life. She said it back, I felt like the luckiest man on earth.

How someone like her, could love someone like me, I would never know. She managed to break down all my walls and turn my heart of stone into a soft, love filled teddy bear.


“Ry, as much as I like being in your arms. We really need to get up.” He sighed next to me.

“Yeah, I know.” I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

“I'm going to hop in the shower.” I quickly got up from the bed.

I was still not clothed, but I didn't give a damn, it's not like it's something he hasn't seen before.

“Can I join you?” I laughed and ignored him as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

I threw on some black jeans, a plain shirt and a gray hoodie. When I entered my room after my shower, I stumbled upon a neatly made bed and Ryder calmly humming while sorting through his bags.

I don't understand why I chose this moment to ask, but this question has been eating away at me for a while.

“Ryder, may I ask you something?” He stepped away from his bags to look at me.

“Of course you can, love.” I took a deep breath before speaking.

“When we went on our first date, you told me that you didn't have the best reputation back in Florida, you mentioned to me that you didn't want to talk about it, well, I think that it would make me feel so much better if you did.”

He sighed and gave me a small smile.

“If that's what you want.” He took a deep breath before talking.

I just sat in silence, holding on to his hand and listening to him.

“So, after my father died, I spiraled out of control, it felt like my whole world just fell apart, I lost the most important person in my life, and I was so mad at the universe for taking him.”

He took a quick pause, before continuing.

“I started partying, hooking up with random girls, not giving a shit about anyone, I even pushed James away, but he never left me alone, he understood that I was going through some heavy shit. But then I met you at that party, and everything changed.”

I sat in silence not saying a damn ding, I could see that my silence was making him nervous, I moved my hand from his, and lightly touched his cheek, he closed his eyes and sighed.

“I know you probably think the worst of me, right now.”

I grabbed his face with both of my hands, causing his eyes to fly open.

“Ryder, I would never judge you, and you, of all people, should know that, I know how it feels to lose someone you really loved. Yes, you made some shitty choices, but you're human, and we make mistakes, it's just life.”

He smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead.

“Have you ever considered becoming a therapist?” I laughed so hard at this.

“Oh, God no.” I said, still laughing.

He pulled me in for a kiss, and hugged me to his chest.

“I love you, Quinn.” I smiled against his chest.

“I love you too.”

It makes me feel good, when I know he knows that he can always talk to me, I want our relationship to be filled with trust, and honesty.

We finally decided to leave my room, and I was so fucking embarrassed, when we entered the kitchen and saw Ellie and James sitting at the table, grinning at us.

“Hey, so glad to see that you're still alive.” Ellie said with a smile.

“Yeah, it's so nice of you to join us.” James piped in next to her.

I just stood there like an idiot, gripping onto Ryder's hand.

“Yeah, James. We just missed each other so much, we would go into detail, but I don't want you to feel jealous.”

My jaw almost hit the ground when I heard those words leave Ryder's mouth.

“Okay, anyway, I made breakfast.” Ellie said, sensing that I just might die of embarrassed.

And with the mention of food my embarrassment quickly faded and was replaced with excitement. Staying almost two days in a bedroom without any food will do that to a person.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن