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At first, I couldn't stop to cry, but then I made the stupid decision to go back to the party and give the both of them another piece of my mind, this was one of the worst mistakes of my life.

Luckily I was smart enough to leave my car behind and walk, I'm really glad that I did because I'm drunk as hell right now, and if I were to drive now, I would probably kill someone or myself.

When I got to the party, the first thing I did was go find Ellie, because as soon as I was done, she would have to drive me home.

“Quinn, what the hell happened to you?”

“N…nothing, happened to me, I'm completely fine.”

“The hell you are, What did he do?”

“Nothing too serious. He was just messing around with Jessica, no biggie.”

“He what? I'm going to fucking kill that son of a bitch!”

“Okay, so you will help me?”

“Oh no, what are you planning on doing?”

“Nothing to serious.”

“Just trust me, okay?”


“Do you know where he is?”

“Follow me.”

Please don't hate me after this.

I can't lose you too.

“There he is.”


I walked over to him, I thought that I would feel a little nervous, but all I can feel is a lot of anger.

“Hey, Asshole!”

Mark turned to me with big eyes, he probably didn't expect to see me tonight. I formed a fist with my hand and I punched him straight in the nose, everyone went quiet, including me, I shocked myself, I don't know what came over me, but I didn't regret it.

“Fuck! What the hell, Quinn?”

“Like you didn't deserve it, you Prick!”

“I… I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Oh, really? Then let me explain it to you, and everyone else here.”

“Quinn, stop this.”

I glared at him, before I started to speak.

“Mark, you really are a piece of shit, your father was right.”

Everyone started laughing, I waited for the laughter to die down before I continued talking.

“See guys, this guy, the one everyone worships, is nothing but a liar and a cheat, that's right, your captain of the football team, jock king, is a fucking cheater. Earlier I caught him and Jessica Daniels in bed together, I know this wouldn't be a shock to his prick friends, because they're all the fucking same, and yes, I am fucking wasted, and if I'm being honest I don't really give a fuck, So to everyone here, I don't really have anything else to say, so to Mark and Jessica, fuck you! I hope you're miserable together.”

I turned away from him, I grabbed a bottle of tequila off the counter and I left, I walked to the one place I knew no one would find me except Ellie. Not only that, but I told her to come find me later, and that she knows where to find me.

Furthermore, I can't believe that I just did that, I was just so angry and hurt, I know I could have handled the situation differently, but I really didn't regret anything that I said. I can't believe I let a stupid fucking boy hurt me this much, I'm fucking 17 years old I'm not supposed to care this much, am I?

So I finally made it to my happy place, I might have been there for like 30 minutes before Ellie showed up, I didn't drink much of the tequila, maybe like two sips, but Ellie and I started talking, so in between talking we somehow managed to finish the whole bottle.

  I, of course, drank most of it since Ellie was driving us home, She said she would drop my car at home for me tomorrow morning since it was still parked in front of Mark's house.

“Do you hate me?”

“What? No, of course not. Why would you even think that?”

“I don't know, after the scene I made at the party, I just figured.”

“Q, I could never hate you, I thought that you were a real savage badass tonight, he fucking got what he deserved.”

“Thanks, E, I really appreciate you.”

“I know, but let's get you home, before your mom kills me.”

I laughed at her, but I didn't really argue with her, I was wasted pretty badly, and my mother would kill us.

“Thanks for always having my back, Elle.”

“No problem, I'll always have your back, Quinn.”

I'm going to have the worst hungover ever tomorrow morning. I slept the entire drive home. Luckily for us, my mother had to work the night shift at the hospital tonight. So Ellie could help me to bed, she decided to spend the night at my house, which was fine with me.

Even if I did forget everything that happened tonight, Ellie would just tell me tomorrow, she would tell me even if I remembered. At least she doesn't hate me, I can't wait to spend the entire summer with her.



“I'm so glad that you're my best friend and that we get to spend the whole summer together.”

“Yeah, Quinn, about this summer.”

This was the last thing I heard her say before I passed out.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now