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I was sitting on the thinking rock with Quinn in my arms. We didn't speak. I just held her, until she finally calmed down, I wanted to ask her so many questions, but decided against it, now wasn't the right time, she will tell me when she feels the time is right.

I hate seeing her like this, and I know I've said this a lot, but I don't like it when the people I love are hurting and there isn't really something I can do, but if holding her tight and not letting go until she asks me to helps, then that is what I'm going to do.

We have been here for almost an hour, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was actually quite peaceful, Quinn still hasn't said anything. She is either staring straight ahead or at our intertwined hands. I didn't say anything because I would rather not ruin the moment.

“Ryder?” Quinn said as she shifted to look at me.

“Yeah?” I shot back at her with a smile.

“Most guys would have run for the hills by now. Why haven't you?”

I wanted to laugh and tell her that this was a hilarious joke, but it wasn't. It was a genuine question.

Furthermore, I stood up from where I was seated, I went to stand in front of her, I wanted to look her straight in the eyes, I needed to see how she will react to the words that I'm about to speak.

“Quinn, I know I might not look the part sometimes, but I try my best to be a good man, and to be that man that means to always love, protect and be there for the woman that I love, it's just the way my father raised me, I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, but my biggest mistake would be if I wasn't there for you or loved and protected you the way you need to be protected and loved, I'm not ready to make that mistake, I won't ever be ready.”

She didn't even say a word. Tears started forming at the rims of her eyes. She leaned forward and cupped my face with her hands.

Not only that, but she scanned over my face with her eyes, possibly searching to see if I was telling the truth, and looking seemingly satisfied with what she found.

A smile formed on her face, and her hands moved from my face to my neck, lightly pulling my mouth to hers as she kissed me with a deep passion.

“I love you so fucking much.”

She said as she stared into my eyes.

“I love you so fucking much too.”

I said as I pulled her tight against my chest.

“I'm never letting go.”

“Please, let go.”


“Because I can't breathe!”

“Shit, sorry.”

I finally let go of her, but when she looked at me, she burst out laughing and I couldn't help but join in on the laughter.

We stayed 10 more minutes before going back. I was just glad to see Quinn being herself again. But when we pulled up at grandma Rose's house, Quinn seemed quite nervous.

“Love, what's wrong?” She let out a sigh, as she turned in her seat to face me.

“My parents are here, and they don't know about my panic attacks, and I ran out of there so fast, now I'm going to have to tell them. ”

I took her hand in mine.

“Quinn, from what you've told me about your parents, makes me sure that they would support you and help you in any way possible.”

“Yeah, but they're also going to be pissed that I didn't tell them.”

I kissed her on the head.

“Yeah, but only because they love you.”

She smiled at me, and leaned forward, kissing me on the cheek.

“Okay, I better get inside. I'll call you later.”

I smiled and nodded my head.

Quinn got out of the car, she waved at me from the front door, I waved back. I waited for her to make it safely inside, before I left.


When I got inside, I found that everyone was still in the living room, possibly because they were waiting for me. My father was the first one to jump to his feet when he saw me.

“Quinn Riley Marshall, where the hell have you been?”

I avoided making eye contact with him.

“Mom, dad we have to talk, can we please just step outside for a moment?”

My mother got up from the couch and went to stand next to my father.

“Come on, honey. Let's hear her out.”

My mother said as she took my father's hand and led him outside. When we got outside, my father once again turned to me.

“Now tell us where the hell you've been.”

I took a deep breath, I walked to stand in front of them, They both turned, giving me their full attention.

“I get panic attacks, but after Quinton died, they got worse. He used to help me. ”

I paused when I heard a gasp coming from my mother. But I continued after.

“I didn't tell anyone, not even Ellie, she only found out here. I know I should have told you, but I would rather not worry you.”

My father stepped forward and hugged me tightly.

“Quinn, you should have told us, we would have been there for you, you didn't have to go through all that alone.”

I stepped out of his arms.

“I wasn't all alone, well, I mean I was back home but not here, I met someone and I really want you guys to meet him.”

My father looked like he was about to blow a gasket, and my mother couldn't look happier.

“Dad, please don't be mad, I think that you would really like him, he has been there for me, and I know it isn't easy for you, but you're going to have to accept the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore.”

My dad sighed loudly.

“Yeah, I know. If you are happy, then I suppose I can accept it.”

I hugged my father.

“Thank you!”

“And remember your brother's words, if this man hurts you, he'll haunt his ass, and he has my approval to do so.”


“What, what did I say?”

I laughed out loud as I watched my parents' meaningless bickering.

“I love you guys.”

“We love you too, kiddo.”

My mother said as she and my father both hugged me.

Q: Are you up for dinner at grams tomorrow night?

R: Sure, what time?

Q: 7:30.

R: Okay, see you then. I love you.

Q: Great, and I love you too.

He might not have ran just yet, but we'll see how he feels after dinner. This might have been a bad idea, but unfortunately there is no going back now. All I can do is hope that everyone loves Ryder just as much as I do.

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now