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I can't believe how quickly this summer went by. Ellie and I have to leave tomorrow, Since school is starting on Monday, I really don't want to leave, I'm going to miss Ryder, so god-damn much.

And it will be so long before we get to see each other again, what if he forgets about me and moves on?
I wouldn't be able to cope with that kind of heart break.

I've known Ryder a full three months now. I don't want to lose any time with him, but I don't have much of a choice. Not only that, but I have to do good in school, so I can get into a nice college here in Florida.

That way, I can see him every day, and since Ryder is still finishing college, we might even end up going to the same school even if it's just for a year.

And if we last for that long, we might even eventually move in together. I know I might have thought too much about this, but I just can't help myself.


“Sorry, what did you say?”

I asked Ryder, who was sitting next to me on the thinking rock.

“I didn't say anything, you just got so quiet that I started to worry.”

“No, sorry. I was just thinking, that's all.”

He laughed and pulled me tighter against him.

“You don't need to worry, I won't forget about you, and I sure as hell won't stop calling you, and talking to you every day, I'm going to call you so much that you'll probably be the one who gets tired of me.”

I laughed, but I turned serious again when I asked the following question.

“Ryder, we've only known each other for 3 months, how do we know that we won't meet someone new?”

Ryder looked at me, I've never seen him look so serious.

“Quinn, if that happens, then it means that we never really loved each other, and I know for a fact that I love you, and I think that you love me, so I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes.”

Would it be possible to fall more in love with a person every day?

“Ryder, of course, I fucking love you. That's why I'm going to do my best, so I can get into the University of Florida, and our life together can officially start.”

I'm so ready for our future together.
I want to spend the rest of my life with this man because I have never met someone so kind and strong like him. He is the kind of man you find in fairy tale books and movies.

I finally found the man of my dreams.
I know plenty of people are going to laugh at me now since, I'm only 18, and he is 21, but we'll see who will be the ones laughing in 5 years.

So on the 25th of January, it's Ryder's birthday and I would have already graduated by then, so I decided that I would surprise him. I already checked with James, and he confirmed that Ryder didn't have any plans, and he was going to be here.

“I will miss you so much.”

Ryder said as he pressed a soft kiss to my temple.

“You have no idea.”

I said and kissed him on the lips.

This has had to be our most emotion filled kiss ever, and most possibly the most special one as well.

“Quinn, I'm going to miss everything about you.”

I smiled at him warmly.

“Yeah, I will miss everything about you too, especially your face.”

CRAZY LOVE: A SUMMER ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now