Coerced acting

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Beomgyu was shocked, The woman Taehyung was claiming to be his mother was actually his mom.

How is that possible?

Beomgyu's dad used to show him pictures of his mom. That's how he knew what she looked like. This was why Beomgyu was sad today, along with his birthday, it was his mom's dead anniversary

"none of the rest know about this, consider yourself lucky"

"your mother, how did she die"

"I'm not really sure, but it's a long story"

"I wanna hear this story"

"my parents were actually agents who worked for TXT"

'No way, is he actually my brother?'

"your parents worked for TXT, Yet your against them?" Beomgyu asked.

"my dad was Enhypen gang's spy 'acting' as an agent"

'What the hell?'

"he was good friends with Taehyun's dad as he worked for him, during his agent days, he fell in love with mother. That's when it got twisted. They got married and had me. 6 years later, they had my little brother. My dad ended up telling my mom that he actually worked for Enhypen gang. She also started to believe that TXT was wrong. And it actually is."

Beomgyu looked down. That was sort of true, an example could be how TXT wanted to control gangs for it's own benefits

"so my mom also sided with my dad, she supported the gang. A few months my brother was born my dad handed me over to the gang. So when I grow up I could work for the gang and not TXT. That's it. I don't know what happened afterwards. But one thing I do know is that TXT is responsible for my parents death."

'But that's not true'

Beomgyu thought to himself. His mom apparently died at his birth. Which explains why today is her dead anniversary and Beomgyu's birthday

And his dad died due to Beongyu's heart surgery.

"when I was 11, my dad visited me after 5 years. He told me "I have to go, for the sake of your brother, save him from TXT, when you grow up"

Well, now it's confirmed. His dad really did die due to his surgery.

"do you know your brother's name?"

"no, I was barely 6 year old, when I got separated from him. I didn't really spend that much time with him."

There was a difference of 6 year between Taehyung and Beomgyu's age. Beomgyu was pretty much convinced, this was his brother

"so basically, your dad didn't want you and your brother to become agents?"

"No. He wanted us to to live freely, something agents can't do. He didn't fear me becoming a gangster. Because that meant I could be free. For now I have two goals. One, to find and get my brother out of that hellish agency. Taehyun wouldn't mind taking him in the gang. And I'm sure he'll agree after finding out I'm his brother"

Beomgyu felt like he could cry. All this time when he felt alone, there was actually someone looking for him? And searching for him? He took a step closer. Maybe just maybe he could tell him about who he really is. And that he is his brother. Maybe he could help him in the difficult situation with Taehyun. He took a step closer

" secondly, I will kill whoever is responsible for my parent's death"

That's it. That little hope was gone again. He was answer to both of his goal. He steeped back and turned around

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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