Mission plan

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Beomgyu slept in a extra room at the frighting department. He woke up after 2 hours and got out. It was probably early in the morning, most of the men were sleeping

Some men who had duties were also getting up, bowing and smiling at him. After greeting them, he walked out of the training center. He was again in the torture hallway, soon he left the basement and got into his working room. He sat on his chair and opened a few files.

He opened 'Shin Ryujin's case'. The same 16 billion KRW one. Although it was way too difficult, even for someone like Beomgyu. But he was interested. Maybe he could prove himself, maybe he could attain a higher position. But something were to go wrong, the result wont be good

It was already early in the morning and people weren't suppose to come but suddenly someone barged in

"Prince! Your still sitting here?" he yelled in shock and worry

"why? Is there something going on? " Beomgyu asked

"If you don't want to get shot right in your right shoulder then hurry towards the meeting room right now!"

He quickly left, Beomgyu had questions but he quickly walked towards their meeting room which was a couple of floors away

Looked like she made it on time, he sat next to Lucas who seemed to be stressed out and was loosening his tie, Beomgyu asked him

"what was going on"

"Watch and see"

He replied and that's what she did, Soon that guy Hwang Hyunjin entered the room and everyone straightened their backs. His secretary collected files from those who bought them.

Hwang Hyunjin sat down on the only middle chair, the guy kept the files in front. He went trough them once which took 3 seconds

"Doesn't look like anyone's dying today" Hyunjin spoke

Although really low, Beomgyu could hear Lucas's and every other person's relief sigh. Just then Mr. Hyunjin raised a brow

"Mr. Gu Jim? I see you didn't finish your project" Hyunjin said

A middle aged man at the last seat stood up. His head was down

"I'm sorry Sir, I really cant plan on this one, its impossible" The man, Mr. Gu Jim spoke

"You've probably been working here before I was even born. Why making me kill you?"

"Please choose someone else for this.." He begged

"This frustrating project was given to you, if we cant we can finally say goodbye to it. Along with you, of course."

A couple of men entered and grabbed Mr.Gu Jim from both of his arms. Were they really gonna kill a person because he couldn't make a plan? Beomgyu raised his voice,

"I'll take the project"

"Lee Beomgyu, zero experience, joined only yesterday. You think you can do better than this middle aged man?" Hyunjin asked him

"I dont know, but Ill give it a try" he simply replied

"Listen. You might think this is the easiest department. You just have you sort things out. But our rules are worst then any department. If you fail, you die"

"When's the deadline?" He asked

"I'll give you two weeks, remember. it's a 'dead' line."

He got up and left the meeting room, Others followed along. Beomgyu opened the case. It was the same case, he had to plan 16 billion KRW robbery now

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