Unexpected Meeting

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Beomgyu woke up in the morning and looked next to him.Taehyun was still there and was doing something on his laptop. As always, work. He noticed Beomgyu

"Morning"Taehyun greeted him

"Good morning...." Beomgyu said in a raspy voice

"I don't think this will be "good" for you"

"Why would you say that?" Beomgyu questioned him

"Your plan included kidnapping out targets son"

"Yeah, was that not possible?" Beomgyu asked, confused.

"It was, we kidnapped him..."

"So what's the problem?" He asked again

"Did you know who he was?"Taehyun was the one who asked this time

"No, didn't look into his profile"

"In case you don't regret that later"

He passed a file to Beomgyu, he got up and looked at it, his eyes widened

"No way."

"He's in the torture centre by the way"

Beomgyu quickly got up, wore his shoes, took his toothbrush out of his bag and hurried out of the room, he went downstairs while brushing his teeth

When suddenly he bumped into someone, it was Heeseung, he looked at him in disbelief

"You don't wet your brush?" He asked

"Sorry but I'm in a hurry" he apologised

"A-about the bet...." Heeseung tried talking

"I'll deal with you later" he simply cut him off his sentence

He lightly pushed him aside and continued, as he got outside the house.

He saw Ni-ki who was moving at keys around his finger

"I'll return these later" Beomgyu said as he grabbed his car keys


Before he could finish his sentence, he had already left with the car

"that guy...." Ni-ki shook his head

Beomgyu had reached the torture hallway, he kept opening various doors and ended up looking at unwanted violence. For now he ignored it all. He finally opened the last door and there he saw them.Jake was sitting on a chair. A guy sitting on another chair with two men standing on each side. He walked in

"That's enough boys, I request you to leave"Beomgyu made a request to the men

Both of the men looked at Jake who nodded which meant a yes. They both left

"Beomgyu? What are you... "the innocent boy trailed off, shocked

"It's okay Sunghoon, I'm here" Beomgyu comforted him

"Beomgyu are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that" Beomgyu frowned

"You seem to be familiar with these people and this place..." he said

"Which does not seem healthy, that's why I'm asking you. Are you okay?" He says worriedly for him.

"I'm okay, talk about your situation. Your kidnapped by gangsters"

AGENT 003 |taegyu|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora