The day of marriage

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"sir, I think Kang Taehyun knows about me being an agent "

"why do you think so,Agent 003"

"he's literally giving me so much attention. I'm very suspicious he knows something "

"how so? "

"a few days ago he was literally taking me to his place. "

"so did you go?" He said as he laughed

"is that a question? No, I didn't" said beomgyu

"if times come where the situation is necessary. You should consider your mission on top "

"for now, the thing is. I've been talking to him for a month and each day he just keeps getting closer "

"it goes like this. You know the blonde and bobbed hair guys who work with you both?"

"yes "

"Taehyun has been really good friends with them. They even go out. It's all to balance his fake identity. Just like you have made some friends, for your fake self "

"so your saying-"

"he's trying to make you his boyfriend . To be like a, you know. A normal boy, a normal life, a normal boyfriend . And you a 22-year old man who lives alone. That makes it less complicated. What better target could he have? "

"in other words, he could kill me if he looks or if I find something out. Because I'm alone?"

"exactly. But Agent 003, your not really going to gain his trust in this way. "

"I got this. I'm good at guns, fighting, killing. This type of mission is new to me. It'll take me a while"

"take all the time you want, but make it successful"

Beomgyu nodded and bowed. He left the office, took a bus, and went straight to his college.

"you're leaving already? Don't you have another class to attend " Sunghoon asked Beomgyu.

"I have to go to work "

"okay but don't overwork yourself "

"Yes I promise I won't "

"you were late in the morning as well. I bet you overslept"Sunghoon scolded.

"in the morning? Oh yeah. I kind of did "

"see? Because you were tired. "

Sunghoon continued his lecture and Beomgyu smiled. Sunghoon was a friend of "Beomgyu "but not "Agent 003" her real self.

So Beomgyu couldn't tell him anything true, that he was late because he had a meeting with his boss. Because in the end, this friendship was acting. But sometimes Sunghoon really made Beomgyu wish his fake life was his actual life. Beomgyu snapped into reality as he saw Sunghoon looking at something in shock. Beomgyu turned around and saw the same car from that night. The mirror swiped down revealing a handsome guy smiling at him.

"Hyung,is that cute guy smiling at you or me? "

"I think you, I d-don't know "

He actually stepped out of his car and walked to where the two guys were standing. He took his sunglasses off.

"why do you take so long to come out. Ah-hello, Beomgyu 's friend. I'm Taehyun."he smiles at Sunghoon.

"I'm Sunghoon,are you his boyfriend?"

"I guess you could say that"

"hold up, first of all. Why are you here?"Beomgyu asked confused.

"Someone said you walk a lot to the train station. So I came to you pick up. "

AGENT 003 |taegyu|Where stories live. Discover now