Familiar faces

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Beomgyu gave Yeonjun the annoyed look while he was actually happy to get out of that circle.

Yeonjun tangled his arm with his

"What are you up to" Beomgyu asked suspiciously

" Nothing really, just thought about helping you out "

"Why would THE Choi Yeonjun help me"

Yeonjun stayed quiet until and they both settled down on a table. He kept looking at him.

'What's bothering him?' Beomgyu raised his brows

" You look........nice" Yeonjun said in a mumble tone

"Did you hit your head? "

"no, I was just thinking..... I think we should become friends "

"why "

"Its really not working out you know. Your Taehyun's boyfriend. I'm his best friend. If we always fight then it I'll be hard for him"

Beomgyu kept nodding to whatever Yeonjun was saying while actually he was looking at someone else. On a table not so far sat a guy in a black suit He kept Looking at him. He was familiar Beomgyu knew he saw him somewhere.

And that's the scary part. From the look on his face it was visible he also knew him


Then Beomgyu snapped out from his thoughts.

"Right! yeah...we should be friends"

"already moved to a different topic you dumbass"

" Yeonjun what is this party for? "

" Its just a gathering"

"Everyone's a criminal right?" Beomgyu asked

"Yeah, Mafia Bosses, Organ sellers, Drug dealers, Loan sharks, organ exchangers, prostitution controllers etc"

"Do all these people know about Taehyun?"

Beomgyu looked at the entrance and more people entered. Mostly middle aged men with beautiful wives. Politicians. Why would they come here?

Obviously because they're no less then criminals. Atleast not these politicians. But along with them, Beomgyu saw his step father, Mr Lee Along with his step mother or Agent 101.

They didn't notice him because he turned around and faced Yeonjun.Right now he had something to worry about

"You look uncomfortable "

"Mr.Lee is my step father "

"Him? So he's the one"


"Wanna have a conversation with him? "

Yeonjun grinned, it looked like he was about to call Mr.Lee by raising his hand. Beomgyu grabbed his hand and put it back down.

"No fun" Yeonjun said as he pouted

Beomgyu again looked at the suspicious guy, he lightly raised his glass of champagne, smiled, took a sip and got up. At first Beomgyu thought he would come up to him

But he just walked away and left the party hall from a door. This was probably a hint.

"i don't feel that well" he suddenly said

"What happened? " Yeonjun asked concerned

"Not sure, I'll go wash my face"

"Along with all that makeup"

"Its waterproof"

He gave him a sarcastic smile and got up. Beomgyu walked towards the same door from where that guy left. He made it through without getting noticed by Mr.Lee

Beomgyu walked into this hallway, it was empty. There were alot of rooms, in which one did he go? That's when Beomgyu heard a voices.

"I can hear your footsteps, Good to know, you decided to come"

Beomgyu narrowed his eyes, surely he never heard his voice before but it belongs to that man. He followed where it came from

And eventually entered a room. It looked like some sort of discussion room. This mysterious man was sitting on a couch very comfortably.

The fighting team had given Beomgyu a gun which he was allowed to carry around. After all he was a gangster, for now Right now he had it in his blazer. Since he was wearing a suit, it was easy for him to take it out. So he did

"Do you know who I am? " Beomgyu asked the man

" What if i said yes "

"Who are you? "

He let out a laugh

"Well you must have a boring personality " Beomgyu said, annoyed

He started to laugh, and he looked really amused. Beomgyu walked closer to where he was siting, he put one of his hands on his shoulder. He had the gun in his other hand. Which went near his jaw, almost touching it. Where as this guy was still sitting comfortably. Beomgyu got closer with threatening eyes

" Who. Are. You. "

He recovered from laughter. Even though he had a gun near his face, he was still grinning. Why was he not scared?

A very sudden move. He grabbed the gun and flipped him over. Now he was sitting on his lap with the gun pointed at his forehead. All this happened within 0.5 seconds.

" We can have introductions without these violent things" the man said.

He whispered in his ear. He wasn't a normal fellow. Beomgyu could fight back right now but then they would end up in a fight and he wouldn't find any answers

He forcefully removed his arm which was around his neck and got up. It amazed this guy that he could do that.

"So you want a peaceful talk, then Talk"

"My name is Jackson Wang "

That's when it clicked to Beomgyu

" correct me if I'm wrong. Your the current Boss of Black Roses Gang, The most dangerous gang in China "

"Thats correct "

Beomgyu knew since he was also studying other mafias in past few weeks

" I don't think I've ever met you before"

" Also correct "

" Then how are we related at all?"

He smirked

"Forgot the guy you were suppose to marry"

(Im sorry the chapter is a little short)

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