He knew he won't be able to sleep, without getting haunted by nightmares. So, he decided to read the magazine, the only thing that kept him connected to his boys! He opened the magazine and found Akshat's photo. It was the current month's magazine and the boy looked lean in this as well. His heart pained at the thought of his stress eating kid not eating anything. But he trusted the Football team captain to take care of himself. The boy loved the sport and his team like anything. There is no way in this world that his child would sabotage the team by making himself weak. He wanted the boy to learn to take care of himself. As he kept reading Akshat's interview for some 100th time, he stopped at a paragraph about Akshat's childhood, where Akshat answered the question pretty much not giving away anything. He couldn't help but think about his boy's childhood. It had been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride!!

He closed his eyes to remember the incident that was so similar to what happened today and memories clouded his vision!

Akshat walked out of his home with his bike keys, spinning around his finger. It was 6 in the evening and he is now going to meet a friend of his, who went to states after his 10th and came to India occasionally on vacations. He was a nice friend and a childhood friend for that matter. They didn't talk to each other much now, but they cherished what they had. Moreover, the guy can be a great company to kill the time with. He sat down on his new bike, which was a gift from his bhaiyya on his 18th birthday, a couple of months ago. He gave a lovely look to his bike before he put on his helmet and drove away.

Akshat remembered that he didn't tell his bhaiyya about this but then his sight fell on his not so discreet bodyguards and rolled his eyes. His eyes sparkled, with mischievousness dripping out of them. He wanted to dodge them and see if he would be able to do it. He never had the opportunity to do it and now that he is over 18 and is free, nothing stopped him. The location of his destination worked in his favour because his friend's father bought a new house and his guards won't be able to guess if he had gone into that house, once he is out of their sight. And he did succeed in his little mission. Immense Satisfaction passed through his veins and it gave him a high!! He was proud of himself when he didn't find any security trailing behind him and in that happiness, he completely forgot about informing his bhaiyya, who already warned him in no clear terms, to not go out before informing him once!! He caught up with his friend and their family, and time passed by before he could realize. And the smartest bean, put his phone in Bike's pouch, instead of keeping it with him!!

Agastya on the other side, was in his office, working on a project tender with Vivek and few members of the team, when he got a call from security head. He frowned and lifted the call, his thoughts drifting to Advitya immediately, as the boy went on a college field trip two days ago.

"Sir, Do you know where Akshat is headed to? He dodged the security and the team is unable to find him. I am tracking his number already, but I called so you could help faster." John, the security chief, spoke in a one go. But Agastya got worried "I was not informed, John. I don't know where he went." Agastya never felt this helpless. He took out his personal phone and tried Akshat's number but it went unanswered. He was about to try second time, when John spoke "We found him, Sir. Plot Number 576, Bandra west. Mr. Jayesh Arora ka ghar hai. Do you know him?"

Agastya relaxed hearing that. "Akshat ka dost unka beta hai. He might have gone to meet his friend. Can you check if he is in the house, John?"

"Sure, sir. My guys are already on it." John replied in his professional tone.

Agastya got angry soon enough "How on earth did your team miss him, John? The boy is just 18 and your team are trained professionals, aren't they? What kind of useless people are you hiring? I am not paying you loads for you to call me and say that your team missed my child!! Just fire them and get the best money could offer." He lashed out but John listened to it patiently, without loosing his composure and agreed to Agastya. Once he got a message that the kid is in the house, he told it to Agastya who cut the call.

Vivek walked into Agastya's cabin, which is clearly not sound proof, as he heard his Boss yelling at someone. Although he felt bad for the person who had to bear it, he felt bad more for his boss. The man didn't take a minute's break whole day, working for the tender, which he desired to achieve. Now that kind of hard work, should be appreciated with peace but not with more problems, annoying problems, to say the least.

"Any problem, Sir?" He politely asked but Agastya shook his head "Nothing, Vivek. Let's get done with this deal in an hour. Can you ask someone get me a coffee, please? I really need one."

"Right away, sir" Vivek nodded and walked away. Agastya tried calling Akshat again but the call went unanswered, again! He got himself immersed in work, as he decided to talk to Akshat when he returns home. The boy is getting on his nerves these days.

After 2 hours, Agastya reached home, tired and exhausted. He tired calling Akshat again, but no response! He decided to see the extent of his boy's carelessness and had his dinner, listening to news in the iPad. He laid down on the couch of living room, with an iPad in his hands, waiting for Akshat and drifted off to sleep, without his knowledge!

Akshat on the other hand lost the track of time. There is a lot to catch up and as he already mentioned, the guy is great company to kill the time with. Family was equally warm to him and the food was delicious. By the time he realized, it was 11 in the night and his eyes widened. He reached for his pockets to check his phone and when he didn't find it, he knew he was doomed. He and his friend checked almost the whole house as he stupidly kept his phone on silent. To add on to his stupidity, he didn't even carry his smart watch. After a couple of minutes, he realised he might have left it in his bike and ran out. He hurriedly unlocked his phone only to find 3 missed calls from his bhaiyya and 2 from his bhaiyyu!! He palmed his face but he was smart enough to make a move. He hugged his friend before he sat on his bike and roared away. He was desperate to get to home but not an idiot to overspeed. That would be foolish of him.

Agastya woke up with a start when his phone rang. He reached for it hoping it to be Akshat, but he smiled when he saw the caller ID. He lifted the phone and leaned back "Hello Sweetheart! Did you reach?" he closed his eyes with a sweet smile.

"I reached 2 hours ago, Agastya. I was waiting for your call. Please don't tell me that you are still in the office!" She exclaimed but Agastya sat down straight. He pulled back his phone to look at time and was shocked to see that it was 20 minutes past 11.

"I'll call you in couple of minutes, baby. Love you." He cut the call and dialed for Akshat but again, unanswered. He called John immediately but cut the call when Akshat walked into the house.

Happy Easter, dear Readers!!! May God bless you with everything you deserve!

Early Update - Because the chapter is ready and I am celebrating Easter!!


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