Episode 0: how it began

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In the near future of 2059, the small city of Hakone is thriving thanks to the technology provided by the government funded research tech lab established north from town. But what the civilians didn't know was that it was actually a front of a conspiracy, headed by a council of influential figures that go by the name "O.R.O.C.H.I". Members of that council were planning something that will change the world: summoning a powerful entity that can enforce their will while having that entity turn any undesirables into goo to power their machines. However, what stands between them and their goal is a large group of biker gang fighting against them to have freedom. Two of the notable members of O.R.O.C.H.I. are the head priest Kumotatsu, and the american scientist Dr Percival.

At the downtown area, there lived an seventeen year old boy named Kaworu Tsukuba. Laid back and short tempered he is, for he will not back down a fight when it comes to protecting his mother and little sister. He has spiky black hair with electric blue streaks (something he had inherited from his father), is lean but with muscles from training in fist fighting, and has blue eyes. He wore a white t- shirt, grey jacket, black pants, fingerless gloves, and a pair of sneakers with red streaks. Many kids in the neighborhood looked up to him whenever he had faced bullies and helped them in their problems, but despite this, he doesn't have any friends of his own due to his fear of growing attached to someone and someone takes it away.

In the upper floors of the research tech lab

Dr Percival has been monitoring the progress of furthering the goal of the council, by watching the construction of a machine that can open a portal from outside.

"A little to the left, I want this contraption to function properly!" He ordered from his phone.

Then the steel door of the room he's in slides open, and a robed figure entered the room. That robed figure is wearing a mask styled after a great grey owl, and carries a rod with owl decorations. But his robe has a hood that he keeps up to hide his identity.

"Is it nearing completion?" Asked the robed figure.

"Ah, head priest Kumotatsu. A pleasure of meeting you, since you rarely left the shrine in few years" he greeted.

"Hmph, I didn't expect any pleasantries. I have communicated with our savior in my meditation, and he is coming as we speak" said Kumotatsu. 

"Well the space portal contraption is close to completion, and once it activates, our lord shall bring absolute order to this chaotic world!" He said with glee.

"Good, now I shall begin my prayers for our savior" said Kumotatsu, walking up to the window and began praying.

Somewhere in the downtown

Kaworu is standing on top of a two floor building that just so happens to be an electronics store, looking at the sky. He noticed a strange device with antennas over at the park near the tech lab, and the clouds started to circle ominously around the device.

"The sky is speaking to me, and I don't like how it speaks to me. It was like it was trying to warn me" he thought to himself.

He watched as the bullet trains sped through the tracks behind the electronics store, wanting to ride on the bullet train someday. After spending twenty six minutes watching the bullet trains, he was ready to leave. But before he left to the stairs, the strange contraption emits a red energy that shoots up high in the sky. He turned around and walked towards the edge of the building to get a closer look, and he saw a bright red portal slowly opening.

"Holy shit! I never seen this before!" He said to himself, feeling surprised.

Back at the research tech lab, Dr Percival is celebrating that his creation worked at last. As for Kumotatsu, he is rather amazed upon the sight of the portal.

"So tell me, Dr Percival. Does any volunteers that have been turned into goo are still alive?" Asked Kumotatsu.

"According to the tests, those who have been turned into goo retain their consciousness even after their physical bodies destabilized. I've witnessed that some people that have turned into goo have regained their physical bodies after sometime, since they have stronger will in order to regain their bodies. It surprises even to myself, which I had to admit" explained Dr Percival.

Then the few researchers from outside have unloaded large capsule after capsule containing pinkish red slime, in which it was actually people melted down into still living goo. They inserted four capsules into the contraption to power it up, to speed up the portal growth. Suddenly, a giant humanoid started to come out from the portal. The giant humanoid is glowing in a soft white color, and is dressed in a robe with gold decorations, and his face is bird like with eight eyes.

"Our Lord has arrived! He shall bring order to this world!" Exclaimed Kumotatsu, with mad excitement.

However, the deity started to turn red and starts to turn into an amorphous shape. Which confuses the two, but over at top of the electronics store, Kaworu was astonished to see the sight.

"Wait... somethings wrong!" Said Dr Percival.

"What is it?" Questioned Kumotatsu.

"Our saviors body couldn't handle the density of our world, he's destabilizing! If my calculations are correct, then he will explode, unleashing waves of energy throughout the world and turn everyone into goo!" Warned Dr Percival.

"But... that's not possible! Surely he wouldn't do that, because our aim is to control the world through our savior!" Yelled Kumotatsu, in disbelief.

But what Dr Percival said was true: the deity that came out of the portal swelled, before exploding into a massive waves of red energy. Everyone in town have started to melt into pinkish red slime, including the scientist and the head priest.

"My... lord... was all you've said... was a lie...? Have you... been deceiving... us...?" Questioned Kumotatsu, as he melts into a puddle while leaving behind his robe and mask.

Over at the electronics store, Kaworu bared his teeth in pain as he was exposed to the wave of red energy. He watched as his hands melt into pinkish red colored goo, then he opened his mouth to scream. Except that his voice became weak as he starts melting into a puddle. He tried to run towards the door, but he collapsed on the roof when his legs melt.

"Mother... Sakura... please be safe..." he said in a weak voice, desperately reaching towards the door.

It was too late, his body melts into a puddle of pinkish red goo. Leaving behind his clothes to be exposed to the elements, soaking wet.

"Damn it! I was almost to the door, but my body has melted!" He thought to himself.

Kaworu tried moving, but he can no longer feel his body. He wasn't sure if he's dead or not, but he wasn't alone. He looked around, and he can see numerous ghostly people floating endlessly through the red and black void.

Authors note: this is my original work, and it's inspired by a mix of Dr stone, neon genesis evangelion, and ghosts n goblins.

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