The quest would end once I got on this stage.

It seemed more beneficial to think about how to handle vomiting blood while singing.

I threw the blood-stained tissue into the trash can and gently massaged my feverishly hot eyelids.

At that moment…



My phone rang.

In no condition to answer, I hung up, but the call stubbornly came through again.


Finally, I answered the call while swallowing the taste of blood in my mouth.

– “Hello? Hey, Seo Hoyun! You hung up on purpose, didn’t you?”

“…What is it?”

– “…?”

Struggling to hold onto the last threads of my patience, I asked him.

And as if he suddenly became unnecessarily quick-witted, Joo Woosung paused for a moment before asking cautiously.

– “…Are you sick?”

“I’m not sick.”

– “Really? Your voice doesn’t sound right?”

“I said I’m not. Just get to the point.”

– “Ugh. Touchy as ever.”

Joo Woosung hesitated for a moment before getting to the point.

“Shining Star,” “mentor,” “Cheongbeom-noona,” and so on…

It was certainly good information to keep in mind, but honestly, I couldn’t focus at all.

It felt as if someone was repeatedly slamming my head against a wall.

I gripped my phone tightly, trying to breathe as slowly as I could.

My condition appeared to worsen.

This is really dangerous.

I might actually collapse during the event.

As I reconsidered the situation, pondering if it would be better to just catch the leaker and skip the event, Joo Woosung stopped his story and called out to me.

– “Seo Hoyun, if you’re sick, just go to the hospital. It’s really miserable to be sick away from home.”


Forget it, just hang up already.

So annoying…

Though I tried to bear with it, Joo Woosung’s words kept coming, and I was starting to get really annoyed.

– “Are you doing a concert? It’s better to let the company know in advance rather than collapsing there.”


His words weren’t wrong, but one word in particular irked me.


Even though I had been grinding for a year, I hadn’t even managed to hold a concert in Korea, let alone Japan.

There was no way I could be holding a concert in Japan.

But Joo Woosung, who until a moment ago seemed to have lost all his perception, or perhaps was doing it on purpose, kept babbling on.

– “Where is it? Yokohama?”


– “…Oh, not there? Sorry. I’ve only been to Tokyo and Osaka recently, so I’m not too sure.”

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