She looked proud of herself and gave me a smile.


It was now almost time for the Treasure Hunt event to finish. President Nagumo wanted to entertain the students in some way, so I suggested this event. That was I can look at everyone who signs up and compare their handwriting to the note I had received. He thankfully agreed to my proposal, and now was the time.

While everyone was out looking for stickers, I stayed back in order to check the logs and see everyone's name. Not a single person even came close to the note except one person. It was Ayanokoji-kun himself. That didn't make any sense. Did he write the note for me? No. Ayanokoji-kun wouldn't want me to get involved in anything, even if he was truly in danger. Maybe he was testing me? I didn't know. I had tried to answer my question but ended up creating many more questions for myself.

"Horikita-senpai, you should go rest. You've been working here ever since the event started. Please go, and I will take over."

Yagami-kun came up to me and seemed worried for my health. He was truly a kind person. I felt bad for distrusting him, but after my experience with Kushida-san, I could never be sure anymore.

"Very well. Thank you, Yagami-kun."

I bowed to him to show my appreciation and walked off. I went to grab some food since I didn't have time to eat breakfast today. When I sat down at my table, I saw someone unexpected coming up to me.

"Are you eating alone, Horikita-san? That must be so lonely!"

Kushida-san walked up to me with a sad expression on her face and sat across from me.

"I appreciate your company, Kushida-san."

She laughed at my comment because she obviously wasn't here to simply give me company.

"You've been quiet lately. Do you still wish to expel me and Ayanokoji-kun?"

"Yep! Although I might keep Ayanokoji-kun around for now. He could definitely be useful!"

"I see."

Kushida-san knew nothing of Ayanokoji-kun's hidden abilities. I was completely surprised when I first discovered that he had her fooled to such an extreme degree. I could tell that she wouldn't suspect him in a million years.

"What if I can be useful as well?"

"Nope. Sorry, Horikita-san, you're getting expelled either way. You're the class leader, after all. You'll always do what's best for the class. What if one time you need me to do something and decide to threaten me by using my past against me?"

"But I wouldn't do t-"

"I'm sorry. I simply can't trust that."

She had that same fake smile she always had even when speaking such aggressive words.

"I thought of something else. Maybe I can help you relieve your stress as well. Open up to me, and you won't have to worry about anyone hearing you."

She laughed like she had just heard the funniest joke in her entire life.

"Horikita-san, the only way you can help me relieve my stress is by leaving this school."

She knew I wouldn't agree to that, so she simply got up and left without even waiting for an answer.

After I finished eating, I walked back to the meeting room and ran into Ayanokoji-kun unexpectedly.


He turned around and noticed me.

"Horikita. You sound irritated."

"I had a meeting with Kushida-san."

"I see."

For some reason, I slightly chuckled at his response. He immediately understood the reason for my irritation as soon as I mentioned Kushida-san's name. She truly was a troublesome person.

"How many points did you win?"


"How pathetic. I could've probably made a million if I actually participated."

"Is that so?"


He started walking, and I walked alongside him.

"Who do you think got the highest reward?"

"As far as I know, Koenji-kun was the highest. He won 500,000 with his partner Wang-san. No one found the 1,000,000 points while I was waiting."

"I see. I'm surprised he had a partner."

"That's true. I'm glad he didn't place first. We could make it to class A much faster with his cooperation."


"Yes. Did I say something wrong?"

"Maybe. Think about it and tell me tomorrow."

What an irritating person Ayanokoji-kun was...I took his advice and decided to think about it and see if I missed something.

He then left and said he had somewhere to be.


After leaving Horikita, I made my way to meet up with Kushida.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting. Horikita found me and insisted on speaking with me."

She turned around and noticed me. She gave me a warm smile as she always did.

"It's quite alright, Ayanokoji-kun! Although I am surprised to see you ask to meet me so suddenly."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't interrupt anything important. I promise I won't take too much time."

As usual, I let her control the flow of the conversation and avoided eye contact completely. She nodded at me, so I started speaking.

"I won 100,000 points from the treasure hunt game. I got really lucky, so I thought I should give you half like I promised."

She was confused at my statement.

"But you only promised to give me half of the monthly points. You didn't really have to give me those."

"I know, but still. I thought you might get mad at me, and I didn't want to take any risks, honestly. I'll feel safer if you take them, so please accept."

"Sure if you insist Ayanokoji-kun. I won't really say no to some extra points."

She giggled slightly.

"Would you say yes if I asked you to give all 100,000 points?"

"If you insist, then I'll do it. I don't really want any trouble."

She was testing me, and I didn't even hesitate in my response.

"I'm not that cruel. Half is fine."

I nodded at her and transferred the points. She didn't even say thanks and just walked off.

Kushida had completely fallen for my trap. It was too late for her now.

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