The Tower

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Lexi pov

We all met back up at the apartment to figure out what to do next

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We all met back up at the apartment to figure out what to do next. Taylor was asleep and would be for a while

"So, now that we know who we are dealing with, how do we find this Wicked Witch?" I said

"Might I suggest we start by asking, if anyone has seen a woman with green skin running around." Killian said

"We're cursed in Storybrooke." Regina said "She'll look like any one of us."

 "Then we start somewhere we know she's been." Emma said "Regina's office."

 "I've been over it with a fine-toothed comb." Regina said "She left no trace."

"But you were combing for magic." Emma said "Maybe there's physical evidence that you missed."

 "Good idea." David said "We'll track her."

"If you wanna waste your time playing Nancy Drew, be my guest, but we can't let Henry wander around alone with that witch and her flying monkeys out there." Regina said

"Well, especially, since one of these flying monkeys could turn out to be his father." Killian said and Mary Margaret looks at me

"Still no sign of Neal?" Mary Margaret asked

"No." I said

"Point being, someone needs to protect Henry." Regina said "He doesn't even know what's going on."

"I'm guessing you're volunteering?" Emma asked

 "If you find anything, call me." Regina said

"Just remember, he thinks we're here because I'm on a case." Emma said

"Well, look who's gotten good at lying." Regina said

"Just don't let anything slip up." Emma said "As far as Henry knows, you're just Madame Mayor and that's it."

 "I'm well aware of how Henry sees me." Regina said and she walks out

"Time is wasting." Killian said "There's something wicked in your town." "What do you say we go find it?" David, Emma, Killian, and I head to Regina's office and look for any evidence that might help us find the wicked witch

 "I think I have a partial footprint." David said "You guys see anything?"

"Other than Regina's...unique sense of design I got nothing" I said Crouching down David examines the partial footprint more closely. Emma joins him.

"Is that blood?" Emma asked and David sniffs it

"It's berry." David said

"Like a fruit?" I asked

"No, like holly berry." David said "They grow on bushes."

"Are you some sort of botanist in this life, mate?" Killian asked

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