The Heart Of The Truest Believer

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Lexi pov

As we go through the portal we all hold tight to ropes on the Jolly Roger with Hook at the helm as the ship crosses through the portal. We finally land on the waters of Neverland. This was the last place I ever wanted to be...I place a hand protectively on my stomach

"Is that it?!" Emma said

"Aye" Killian said

 "Neverland." Killian and I said as Emma gazes at the island with determination. I see Rumple head below deck. I really didn't want to talk to him..but we're in Neverland. I have to protect my unborn child at all costs. I follow him below deck and see him in his old Rumplestiltskin outfit

"Really a wardrobe change?" I asked

"Is there a reason you came down here dearie?" Rumple asked and I sigh

"Actually there is" I said "I need a favor" 

"I don't think so" Rumple said he tries to walk past me, but I step right in front of me

"Look you and I never ever gonna get along" I said "I would've happily let you die back in Storybrooke you know that?" "But I didnt I helped protect you, you know why?" He just stares at me "Because of Neal" "I knew he was angry even all these years later with you, but I also knew he wouldn't let you die"

"Get to the point" Rumple said

"The point is I loved your son" I said "More than anything or anyone" "And now I need you to do a favor one I thin you'll do once you hear it" He raises an eyebrow and motions for me to continue you and I take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant with your son's child, your grandchild" He stares at me in disbelief

"You're pregnant and you came here?" Rumple asked "Are you insane you're not even family!"

"Henry is Neal's son!" I snapped "I owe it to him to save him" "Now comes my favor...I need you to place some sort of protection spell or something on me to protect my unborn child" "I can't lose one of the last links to Neal I'll have" "I am begging you and it pains me to do so" He stares at me then looks down and sighs

"Fine" Rumple said

"Really?" I asked

"Really" Rumple said

"Name your price" I said

"No price...that baby is Bea's it needs protected from Pan" Rumple said. He waves his hand and I felt a warmth flow through me. "There no harm should come to the baby"

"Thank you" I said and he nods. We head back above deck just catching the end of a conversation

"We'll find Henry." Mary Margaret said

"No, you won't." Rumple said and the others turn around 

 "Oh, that's a great use of our time—a wardrobe change." Killian said and I snort

"That's what I said" I said

 "I'm gonna get Henry." Rumple said

"We agreed to do this together." Regina said

"Actually, we made no such agreement." Rumple said

"Why are you doing this?" Emma asked

"Because I wanna succeed." Rumple said

"What makes you think I'm gonna fail?" Emma asked

"Well, how could you not?" Rumple asked "You don't believe in your parents, or in magic, or even yourself."

"I slayed a dragon." Emma said "I think I believe."

"Only what was shown to you." Rumple said "When have you ever taken a real leap of faith?" "You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof?" "I've know you some time, Miss Swan." "And, sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that... bail bonds-person, looking for evidence." "Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland."

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