The Millers Daughter

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Lexi pov

We found my brother's ship and I took the first part of sailing it Storybrooke. However I started feeling nauseous so I had Neal take over while I stayed close to the side trying to settle my stomach. God today was a normal day in New York...god this has became very weird. I look at Neal shows Henry the basics of sailing. I smile a little...He looked so happy. I let out a sigh...I need to talk to Neal...but maybe after this I should just disappear he doesn't need me anymore. He has Tamara and now Emma and Henry. I watch the water trying not cry. We finally make it to Storybrooke. Neal and I help Rumple off and sit him down on a bed of a truck.

 "Are you okay?" A woman asked

"Yeah." Emma said "Yeah." "We're all right."

 "Uh, I drove a ship." Henry said causing me to chuckle

"Did you, now?" The man asked

"Yeah, my dad and Lexi showed me how." Henry said as Neal and I walk over

"That would be us" Neal said

"Hi" I said "I'm Lexi"

"Hi I'm Mary Margaret and this is David" The woman said and I smile at her. We go over to Rumple

 "Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked

 "Well, you'd know if she was, because most of you would be dead by now." Rumple said

"Well, then, we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen." Mary Margaret said

"We will." David said

 "And this time, we finish it." Mary Margaret said

"Mary Margaret..." David said

"David." Mary Margaret said "She needs to be stopped." "She needs to be killed." "This is our family." "We are going to protect it."

 "Of course we will." David said "But what you're talking about goes beyond that."

 "Does it?" Mary Margaret asked "Because she is the reason you've never met my mother."

"I know." David said "I know what happened to Queen Eva, and I have zero problem with Cora dying for it." "But not by your hand." "And not out of vengeance."

"Why?" Mary Margaret asked

"Because you wouldn't be able to live with yourself." David said "You have the purest heart of anyone I have ever known." "That's who you are." "And that's who you're going to stay."

" You okay?" Emma asked

 "Ah, I'm beginning to feel a bit stronger." Rumple said "Take me back to my shop." "There's magic there can protect us."

"Let me guess, I get to go with Ruby." Henry said

 "You got it, kid." Emma said

"I'll keep him out of the crossfire." Ruby said

 "Thank you." Mary Margaret said

"Don't look so worried." Henry said "You'll stop Cora." "You won't let her get away." The rest of us head to the shop and get Rumple comfy. I would gladly let this man die...he's tried to kill me before..but he is also Neal's father. I am doing this for Neal

"Emma, did you find it?" Rumple asked

"Yeah, there's nothing in it." Emma said She shakes the jar, something rattles. 'What the hell?"  Emma dips her hand into the jar she grabs something invisible.

 "Invisible chalk." Rumple said "Use it in the front doorway." "Draw a line." "The rest of you?" "You might want to prepare for battle" I head to the front of the shop with Neal

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