Witch Hunt

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Lexi pov

Enchanted Forest one year ago

We were all walking across the land trying to figure out what to do next. The next thing would be to hopefully figure out a way to get to the castle. Neal and I walk hand in hand as we walk with Snow and Red

"Seems like old times, doesn't it?" Red asked "Except, not running from Regina, but with her."

"She's changed." Snow said "I have to believe for the better."

"I hope it sticks." Red said "But regardless, she doesn't look too good." "If she hadn't tried to hurt us so many times, I might be worried about her."

"Neal and I will go check on her" I said

"Thanks guys" Snow said and I nod. I walk over to Regina as she was staring at her castle. 

"Hey we're going to make camp soon Regina" I said and she remains silent "You're thinking about Henry, aren't you?"

 "I'm always thinking about Henry." Regina said "And I was also thinking" She turns around and starts to walk with us  "there are tunnels that run under the castle." "They may run beneath the spell."

"Which means we can sneak like an army inside" Neal said

"No, an army would be detected." Regina said

"Then how do the tunnels help us exactly?" I asked

"Because they can get me inside." Regina said "If I can get inside, then I can lower the shield." "Then you can send in your army." All of a sudden we hear shrieking Charming draws his sword, Snow White readies to loose an arrow.

"Incoming!" Neal said and he moves me out of the way

"Papa!" Rolan said

"Roland!"Robin said. Regina runs in front of the boy, gently pushing him away from the creature as Roland runs over to his father.

"Not so fast." Regina said She magically transforms the monkey into a stuffed animal. Then she approaches Robin and Roland. "See, not so scary." She gives the toy to Roland. "Now you have a new toy."

"Thank you." Robin said

(Storybrooke present day)

Mary Margaret, David, Killian, and I end up at the inn where Emma and Henry are staying. We sit in the lobby as Emma comes back down the stairs

"Okay, Henry is asleep upstairs." Emma said "If he wakes up, you three are helping me with the case." She sits down on a sofa. "So, what the hell happened here?" "I mean, besides the obvious." She gestures toward a pregnant Mary Margaret and then Taylor in my arms

"We don't know." Mary Margaret said "We watched you drive over the town line with Henry." "Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to the Enchanted Forest and then...everything went black."

"And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke." David said

 "Except it clearly wasn't." I said while feeding Taylor her bottle and Mary Margret places a hand on her belly

 "Almost harvest time and you can't remember the planting." Killian said "That's bad luck, mate."

"Killian not now" I said

"Clearly a year's past." Emma said "I was in New York." "I know that it did."

"Yeah well here's the thing Emma" I said "We don't know where the bloody hell we were" "We're not even sure if we left Storybrooke"

"Aye, you did." Killian said "I was with you."

"In the Enchanted Forest?" Mary Margaret asked

"Regina's spell brought us back." Killian said "We've spent a brief time with a prince and princess named Phillip and Aurora." "But I wasn't feeling the community spirit, so I ventured of on my own." "The last I saw of you lot, you were making your way to Regina's castle."

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