Think Lovely Thoughts

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Lexi pov

With Tink leading us to Pan's compound I walked with Killian Neal. They've been very protective of me for the last little while now. While I did appreciate the concern it was also a little smothering.

"Guys while I love you're protective of're going a little overboard right now" I said

"Lexi, if Pan gets word that your pregnant he may use that against us" Neal said

"He's right sister..." Killian said "We must keep you safe at all cost"

"Look Pan isn't anywhere near us right now" I said "I just need some space to breathe" 

"But" Neal said

"No but's Neal I love you, but you guys are smothering me right now" I said. I look at Killian "Please just a little space ok?"

"As you wish" Killian said and I nod. We continue walking when all of a sudden we hear a noise. We all raise our weapons when all of a sudden Regina and Rumple walk out.

"Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time." Regina said

"What are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret asked

"Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance." Regina said "Pandora's box."  "It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid."

"You didn't tell me my father was with her." Neal said

"I didn't know." I said

"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tinker Bell asked

"Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry." Neal said

"Bae..." Rumple said

"Why?" Emma asked "What are you talking about?"

"There's a prophecy that says that Henry will be his undoing." Neal said "He didn't come here to protect him." "He came here to kill him." I stare at Rumple in disbelief which quickly turned into anger

"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back" Regina said "Because you knew he'd spill your secret."

"Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan." Rumple said

"It all makes sense" I said "You ditched us before we made shore" Mary Margaret raises her bow and arrow.

"You wanted to get to Henry first..." Mary Margaret said as David unsheathes his sword.

"To be on his own..." David said as Killian raises his sword.

"So no one could stop you..." Killian said as I raise my sword

" So you can kill him." I said

"It's not gonna happen, not unless you go through all of us first." Emma said

"You're making a mistake." Rumple said "I don't care if the boy is destined to be my undoing."
 "I won't hurt him."

"Because that sounds just like you." Regina said

"Without me, you will fail." Rumple said "I'm the most powerful amongst us."

" That's why we can't trust you." Neal said

"If I could give you my dagger, I would." Rumple said "But I can't."

"But you can give me Pandora's box. " Neal said "I don't have to trust you if I could stop you." Rumple extends the box to Neal.

"Son..." Rumple said

"Look at me, you so much as lift a finger to perform magic, you're gonna spend an eternity in this box." Neal said

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