And Straight On Til Morning

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Lexi pov

I felt numb...I was still processing that Neal was gone...and our child would never know him.. On top of that we were all about to die thanks to Greg and Tamara. I went with the Charming's and Emma to the park..It was decided that Emma should tell Henry about his dad. When we get to the park Rumple was there as well..oh god he has no idea

 "Gold." David said "What are you doing here?"

"Well, my son made it clear I'm to stay away from him, so I'm spending some time with my grandson instead." Gold said

"Emma, it's okay." Mary Margaret said "Why don't you talk to Henry, and we'll handle this." Emma walks over to do so.

"Emma." Henry said

 "Henry, hey." Emma said

"Mr. Gold, we have some news to share with you, and it's not good." Mary Margaret said

"Not interested." Rumple said

"It's about Neal" I said

"Yeah." Rumple said "What about him?"

 "Tamara shot him." David said

"What?" Rumple asked my eyes filling up with tears " He's dead?"

"They used a bean to open a portal." I said "Neal was hurt so badly that he fell through." "He's gone."

"Bae wasn't supposed to die." Rumple said

"Greg and Tamara—they took something from Regina—a magical trigger." David said "A fail-safe in the curse that could destroy Storybrooke."

"If they activate it, it's a self-destruct. " Mary Margaret said "Everyone not born in this world will die."

"I know this is hard, but we need your help." David said

 "No." Rumple said and I stare at him in disbelief

"Are you kidding me?" I asked "They killed your son in cold blood, and you don't wanna stop them?"

"They didn't kill my son." Rumple said "I did." "I brought magic to this world to find Bae, and now he's dead." "Magic always has a price, and this—this is it." "But I'm prepared to pay it."

"But... We'll die." Mary Margaret said "You'll die!"

"Well, I've made my peace with that. " Rumple said walking away

"Unbelievable" I said. We all head back to the apartment to try and figure out what to do next. 

"Henry!" Regina said

"Mom!" Henry said They embrace, when out of the blue an earthquake occurs and shakes the entire apartment.

"Regina, was that.." I said

"Yes." Regina said "The diamond was activated."

"So we're all gonna die." Henry said

" You were born here, so you'll live." Regina said

"But.. I'll be alone." Henry said

" I'm so sorry, Henry." Regina said

"It's not gonna happen, I'm not gonna let it." Emma said she looks at Regina "You did this, now make it stop."

"I can't, there's no way." Regina said

"WELL, FIGURE IT OUT! " Emma yelled "It's your fault!"

"STOP!" Henry yelled "I already lost my dad. I don't wanna lose anybody else." "We have to work together." 

" From the mouths of babes, I'd say the lad has a point." We all turn and see Killian. My eyes go wide at the first sight of my brother after all this time.

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