The Queen Is Dead

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Lexi pov

We all leave the apartment Neal and I walk with Henry in front of Emma and Rumple. This kid seemed awesome and I know Neal wants to get to know him.

 "So, uh...You like pizza?" Neal asked

"Yeah." Henry said "L-let me guess." "You're gonna tell me the best pizza's in New York and I gotta try it, right?"

"Actually, it's in the Kingdom of Damarian on the north shore of the Dragon Fields of Zorn." Neal said and I chuckle "Nah, it's in New York." "Here, let's get you a slice." The three of us head inside the pizza place when Neal looks at me "You want any?" I think about it...then feel uneasy

"No I'm good" I said

"Ok what's with you?" Neal asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You didn't drink your beer which I've never seen you turn down" Neal said "And now you don't want pizza?"

"Neal just drop it alright?" I asked starting to get a little pissed off. I glance at Henry who was looking at the menu "Get to know your kid"

"Fine" Neal said. We get Henry some pizza and his face lit up when he took a bit

"It's good isn't it?" I asked 

"Yeah!" Henry said and I smile

"So I was thinking we could go to museum what do you say kid?" Neal asked

"Sure!" Henry said

"Well let's go" I said and we start to make our way out

" So you're both really from there?" Henry asked

 "Yeah, we are." Neal said as we walked up to Emma and Rumple

"What are we talking about?" I asked

"Emma, Neal wanted to show me the museum." Henry said "Do you think we can go back to the apartment and get my camera?"

" Yeah, well, like culture, right?" Henry asked

 "Sure." Emma said "Yeah, that's fine." "You like the New York pizza?"

"Yeah." Henry said "It's delicious, cheesy, and doesn't lie." I look at Emma and see her hurt expression. Ouch that's gotta sting, but the kid has a right to be pissed off with her.  Neal and I walk with Emma

"He's a good kid." Neal said

"Yeah." Emma said

"Hey, I'm trying my best here." Neal said

"I know." Emma said "We all are." "It's just, we're gonna have to go back to our home."

"I'm just gettin' to know him." Neal said

"Well, then maybe...maybe you should come with us." Emma said "You both could"

"To Storybrooke?" I asked. Emma nods and looks at Neal

"I've seen your apartment." Emma said "You don't got a lot going on here." 

"Looks can be deceiving." I said and Emma looks at me confused. Neal gives me a look and I look away as we get to our apartment building

 "Listen...there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Neal said "It's complicated." Henry runs up to us

"So, Neal, do you think we can take the subway?" Henry asked

 "Yeah." Neal said "Sure." "Of course." "Let's go get that camera."

"Come on." I said opening the gate. We head for the stairs so Henry can get his camera

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