Hey Vel, How do I propose?..

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Vox looked like he was gonna cry from happiness when I turned around. I had seen his sexy body so many times but he still felt uncomfortable now anyway because of the massive scar on his stomach. So I decided to see if this would make him happy and it did.. "Ready for bed doll?" "Yea" Vox replied. I smiled turning around to face him picking him up and twirling him around as we got into bed. "Love you Voxxie~" "Love you too Tino.." he murmured as he curled up falling asleep. Who knows what was going on in that curious mind of his.. I chuckled holding Vox close as I fell asleep.


I woke up early and made  breakfast leaving it for Val before heading off to find Velvette to ask how I should propose to Val and all that wedding shit. I just kinda hopped she wasn't with Carmilla which lets face it now that me and Val know cause yes whether Vel wanted me to know or not he told me but hey I'm glad she's happy psychotic bitch. I sighed before reluctantly knocking on the door, I was greeted to Velvette who looked like she just got up. Her hair was a mess and she looked fucking exhausted still in her silky pajamas. "What Vox." I knew she wasn't happy "I know your not happy but you might be when I tell you I'm here asking for advice?.." She just groaned "What did you two fight over this time?" I chuckled "Nothing I just wanna know how I could possibly.. propose?..." That got me yanked into the room the door almost slammed shut as I was sat More like shoved onto the couch as Velvette rushed off coming back with wedding things and ideas in her arms. "Woah there Vel I need to propose before any of this shit happens" I chuckled she seemed happier and energetic compared to the Velvette which greeted me at the door. "So how has Val talked about it did he hint at it or is this your choice?" I decided to tell her the entire truth in itself I feel like she needed to know why I made this choice. "Ever since i got impaled and it healed up the scar in my eye's is hideous and well for the first time Val remembered and he uhm.. turned around as I got dressed.. I guess it made me realize he does acknowledge my feelings and really does care about me. So fuck our reputation I want him to be mine permanently.. not in a possessive way I mean it in a willingly he has a choice kind way" "I know I know and well I have the perfect way on how you could propose!" that got my attention "Yes?~" and that's when we started discussing and planning. Oh boy I couldn't wait!

-Meanwhile with Val-

I woke up to find Vox gone and when I got up i found breakfast on the table still warm. meaning he had only left 30 or so minutes ago. It was waffles which It my favorite breakfast food as well as everything set up for me to make a coffee. I smiled he really is thoughtful, I then noticed the note placed beside the coffee items. It was written big so I could read it 

'Morning Val Sorry I couldn't be there to watch your beautiful face stir awake I needed to see Velvette to ask her something. I'll be back later, Love you Tino! -Vox'

he could be so secretive but in the end he was sweet... to me and Vel anyway. I hummed as I made myself some coffee and ate the amazing breakfast Voxxie made me before getting dressed and heading to the studio. I actually had work I needed to do today that I couldn't put off again. I made it to the studio and started filming of course angel was late when isn't he? I sighed punishing him but only to make sure he knows that I wont let it slide. We got to filming and in the span of I think 6 hours finished up and i was sent to my office to file paperwork. But after only getting through one piece of paper I heard a familiar Voice in my door way "Hey hun" My antennae perked as I got up and rushed over picking the smaller male up and littering his screen with kisses which caused him to giggle and blush. "Stop Tino! Haha! Stop!" I smiled placing one last kiss before stopping. "What did you need Voxxie?~" I noticed the smile on his face grew seeming proud of himself. "I know its late buuuuuut... Would you like to remake our first official on the rooftop? Just as a little treat?" I smiled hugging him tight but not too tight to the point i break him, That's a job in bed not from just a hug. "I would love to! What time even is it?" "7:43" "Shit that late? Well I'll need at least thirty minutes to get ready" "I'll need about the same." I smiled "Then its settled see you on the roof in thirty minutes?~" "Yep but let me make a few calls first okay? I'll catch up" I nodded putting him down and walking so far to the point where i couldn't hear his phone call before waiting. After 5 minutes I got impatient "VOX!" I heard a "I'm coming!" and being the smart ass I am I replied "Not without me your not!" I heard his flustered laughter down the hall before her came into view his screen a hot cyan. He caught up and I intertwined out fingers as we returned to my penthouse to get ready, I was honestly looking forward to this remake date cause Something told me he had ulterior motives..

-{What will happen? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT MONTH CAUSE IDK WHEN IT WILL BE OUT! HAHA! Yes that joke is a reference to ep4 but its only bc I was reading some of yalls comments and it just popped into my head and I was like 'I need to add that in one of these final chapters.' so I made it work. Any way Good day/morning/night!}

-{Words: 1048}-

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