Good morning~

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I woke up to my phone vibrating... I sat up picking my phone up and seeing who it was.. it was Val? odd.. I answered.. "Yes Val?" I spoke into the phone still sounding tired.. "Mornin suga~ I was wonderin if ya were busy today?" The moth demon spoke.. his tone.. sultry like usual.. "No.. What do you want Val?" I asked getting out of bed.. putting the phone on speaker as I got dressed.. wearing my usual suit.. "You'll find out later Voxxy~" The moth demon replied before he hung up.. I growled.. a little annoyed.. "If all he wants to do is fuck around with my day so be it.. I'm nothing to him anyways.." I snarled as I grabbed my phone.. heading downstairs phoning my limo driver on the way down. I left out the door closing it and locking it as my limo pulled up.. I got inside resting beside the window..

 "V tower... please.." I asked.. feeling like being polite today which was a shock to the driver but he quietly nodded his head and pulled away.. soon after he arrived.. I got out and waved him a good day as I walked inside. I was automatically greeted by Velvette who automatically snapped a pic for her insta.. I grumbled to myself.. walking over to the sofa and taking a seat.. the doll demoness sitting down beside me.. "Here to see Val again? then sit in your office being anti-social drinking lucifer knows what?" The demoness asked.. I chuckled.. "Yea that's about right. and by the way.. its a coffee mug what else would I put it in?" I replied.. The demoness rolled her white irises before a smug smile crept onto her face.. I rolled my cyan pupils.. knowing what was to come next..

 "Alcohol, your di-" I put a hand over her mouth cutting her off. "I am not the kinda man to wank off using a coffee mug that I drink out of." I stated right as Val came round the corner.. "Wanking off with a coffee mug? that's a new low for you Voxxie~" The moth pimp mocked.. the demoness laughed as I removed my hand letting out a frustrated sigh. "What did you want Val?" I asked.. he signaled me to his office I grumbled as I got off the couch the demoness still giggling.. 'Why did I have to wake up in a shitty mood today?' I asked myself as I walked into Valentino's office.. "What do you want Val?" I asked again.. He smirked before walking over to me..

 "Velvette was going to ask you via text but, I told her not to cause your either always at home or in that dam office of yours. so.. how would you like to come to a party later?" Val asked seeming excited.. I wasn't going to lie.. when the moth demon was excited it was rather cute.. I never stated those opinions out loud though.. otherwise I would end up with a broken screen.. and they were not fun to repair.. "Sure. I mean one of you two were going to drag me to it anyway so might as well go willingly.." I replied before speaking up once more cutting Val off before he even started to speak "I am not wearing one of your fucken party outfits." I stated.. he let out a sad sigh trying to guilt trip me.. "Its not gonna work.. Last time I was in a fucken dress. I am not doing that again." I stated. "Alright fine fine. I'll see you downstairs ready to go at 9pm tonight. have fun doing who knows what." 

The pimp replied before I left his office heading towards my own.. I opened the door closing it behind me.. all the screens lighting up.. as well as my throne of a chair.. I smirked.. taking a seat and grabbing my coffee cup.. setting under the coffee machine.. as I got to work just.. feeding my ADHD like i shouldn't be.. watching over hell and then switching to watching random videos, sipping my coffee as I did so before i finished it setting the cup on my desk. I forgot how fast time flies when you do dumb things.. I even started drawing Alastor in the many ways I plan on beating his ass...

{Had to rewrite the last part cause I forgot not everyone knows/understands how my brain works and how I word stuff so.. figured I'd try make it understandable? anyway enjoy!}


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