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"You're such as ass!" I groaned Val chuckled as he walked back to his penthouse setting me down on the couch. "I may be an ass but you love it~" Val teased, my screen turned a more hot pink as I looked away Val just chuckled as he poured us some drinks. He set a glass of whisky down in front of me. I gave him a small smile before taking a sip, mother fucker gave me a strong one. Asshole. He knew I was a mild lightweight, what did he plan on doing to me? "Val you know I'm a mild lightweight what the fuck do you want to con me into?" I growled. Val laughed before sitting down beside me draping one of his upper arms over my shoulder and one of his bottom arms resting on my waist.

I watched Val, take a sip from his drink as I had a mouthful of mine best setting it on the table.. "Sorry about Vel and running off.." I mumbled Val looked over surprised. "Ya really have grown soft for me haven't ya?" The moth demon teased I grumbled as I downed the rest of my drink. "Shut up asshole." He laughed before getting me another drink, I downed it in one go feeling the alcohol starting to take effect. "By the way.. I just wanted to have a quiet drink wit'ya Voxxie~" Vox was skeptical but let out a small sigh.. the Alcohol kicking in as he relaxed into Val's touch.

leaning onto Val, the pimp looked down at me setting his drink down, lifting me up as he got up taking me to his room. He lay down onto the bed resting me between his legs, the back of my head rested on his chest as he wrapped his beautiful fluffy wings around me, I let out a static like noise.. it was almost a purr as he wrapped all four of his arms around me. my screen flushed to the point I was overheating. "Val w-what the f-fuck!?" I stammered "Easy~ I'm not gonna do anything.. just relax~" Val whispered as he removed my hat and coat, setting them aside.. I sighed relaxing into his touch.

Why was it so hard to not feel.. relaxed with his touch and presence? fuck.. I was falling for him.. and falling for him hard, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I closed my eye's relaxing before hearing the door creak open.. I then saw a familiar phone slide through the crack of the door.. "VELVETTE I SWEAR TO FUCKEN LUCIFER YOU TAKE ONE GODDAM PHOTO AND I'M CUTTING YOU OFF FROM THE INTERNET!!" I yelled I heard her giggle before snapping a few photo's and dashing off. I tried to get up but Val quickly pulled me back down. "No. Your staying put. deal with her tomorrow, I'm comfortable and I know you are to." He stated with a glare as the lights dimmed before turning off.. "Fine.. your not wrong anyways." I muttered before feeling sleep consume me..


I watched with soft caring eye's as the media overlord fell asleep he was so cute! I had already fallen for him.. but lets hope he never knows how much he has my wrapped round his pretty little fingers. As the thought popped into my head, I reached over and interlocked our fingers smiling softly as I felt him do the same. I knew he was asleep.. I whispered to him "I love you Voxxie~" Before wrapping my wings around him tighter as I slowly fell asleep with my favorite demon in hell in my arms! this.. was a feeling that I could get addicted too.

***In The Morning Vox's POV***

I woke up to the feeling of Val's arms and wings around me.. I went to move my hand and felt his hand intertwined with mine.. I smiled softly, trying to sit still and struggling because of how excited and happy I was getting. I took a deep breath and tried my hardest to relax, before deciding to turn around now facing the sleeping moth, wrapping my arms around him cuddling into his chest. automatically calming my nerves as I closed my eye's relaxing letting out my static hum/purr (I Want him to have some kinda purr okay!? I think it would be cute!) I got a little startled when I felt a hand on the back of my Tv head flinching slightly as I lifted my head up to come face to face with Val, Fuck.. he wasn't meant to see me like this.. no one was to! ever! "Morning Voxxie~ your acting different.. this side of you is new.. and its really cute!" Val chirped I blushed hiding my face.

"Its a side of me you weren't meant to see.. but there are negatives to it, but I'm good at hiding them." I mumbled.. "Its okay, I'll be here for you if you need me" I heard Val say which made me really happy but I hid it as best as I could.. it made me happy but it also scared me. I sighed before moving to get up. "We have work Tino.. we better get ready- ARE YOU OKAY?! Did you sleep well!? was it uncomfortable at all?!" I asked quickly becoming worried, Val had slept in his fancy and probably opposite of comfortable attire which we had worn to our setup date.

the thought of it being a date made my screen flush, Val just laughed "Of course I slept well! I had my favorite media demon all cute and snuggling into me~" Val teased I flipped him off which caused him to giggle as I found one of my suits in his closet.. which was odd but I didn't pay too much attention as I slipped my fancy suit off putting my usual suit on. "Didn't expect a show first thing in the morning~" Val teased as he got out of bed. I laughed "You wish! anyway I better get to my office I have so much shit to do" I groaned at the mere thought "Okay but I'll see you later right?" Val asked I nodded before getting a call saying that I had a business meeting in 5 minutes, I quickly grabbed my phone and rushed out the door forgetting my stupid little hat.

Which didn't go unnoticed by Valentino~...

{DONE! ENJOY! Hope you like it, Loved writing this abomination.. kinda planning on adding some.. DraMaa! next we shall see... also I'm very respectful when it comes to mental illnesses like Autism, ADHD and ADD there's a chance I may have ADD but i wouldn't know. Sorry if I offend anyone it is not my intention! I know there are negatives to the positives and I will try and include them more but I'm not good at explaining things I relate to so hope you know I really am trying to explain it, but I may not be doing a good job and for that I apologize. No hate though my mental health cant take it cause I may js be a bitch in return.}
Words:  1190

Misunderstandings and-{Staticmoth/Voxval}-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ