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"GAH! FUCK!" I snapped awake panting softly.. something woke me up and scared the shit out of me but I can't remember what.. I was drawn out of my thoughts when Val wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to comfort me. I smiled leaning into the touch calming down enough to steady out my breathing "Thanks Tino.." I murmured He smiled "What happened Voxxie?.." he asked softly "I don't know.."  I replied as I started to get up. "Fuuuck I have so much shit to do.." I grumbled as I got dressed into my usual suit, walking over and kissing Tino of the forehead before I left to go to work.. "See ya Tino!" "Bye Voxxie!~" I smiled as I left. Once I arrived at my office I sat down on my throne of a fucking chair grabbing my coffee cup and having a sip of coffee which oddly awaited me.. but i just shrugged it off as I got to work filing papers before turning to my TVs and watching over hell laughing at the stupidity of other demons and stuff before Vark came in wanting to play. I just chuckled before getting out of my seat and grabbing his favorite Alastor squeaky toy and throwing it, he ran after it catching it midair he's fast and can jump.. that's new I laughed before he brought it back and I threw it again. I continued until Vark decided he was tired and wanted to chew the shit out pf it and that's what he did I laughed as I watched him shake his head violently with the radio demon chew toy in his mouth. Gotta say My Lil Varky can bring a smile to my face, but that smile didn't last long cause my assistant came into my office looking concerned. That's when I knew today was gonna go to shit.

"The fuck happened now!?" I snapped Vark now sitting beside me the torn Alastor squeaky toy in his mouth looking calm but intimidating as I pat his head the assistant trembling slightly which brought a menacing grin to my face. I do love seeing my employees scared just by being in my presence, gives me a sense of power which I love more than myself. "T-there's a few customers wanting a r-refund on the angelic security p-products" He stammered. I rolled my eyes and laughed "let me handle them.." I replied getting out of my chair with a sinister smile Vark following beside me as I left my office heading downstairs to the lobby just to be met with a bunch of reporters and angry customers "THE EXTERMINATION IS CANCLED I WANT A REFUND!" One customer yelled a few others followed "YEA WE HAVE NO NEED FOR THIS SHIT ANYMORE!" "YEA GIVE US A REFUND ASSHOLE!" Keep calm Vox.. you know how to deal with angry customers and reporters. I let put a sigh before my usual fake smile returned to my face "My dear people! We at VoxTek do not accept refunds as you know. Once you have bought it its yours forever. But before you continue to yell for a never going to happen refund are you all certain the angelic legions won't return? This is heaven were talking about. They're bound to come back!" I laughed softly before observing their concerned faces. Sweet, it was working. "We at VoxTek enterprises take pride in our products please. Trust us.." I trailed off using my weird eye to hypnotize them all, before looking around noticing Vark had run off.. shit. "Vark! Varky! Where have you hone boy?" I called out starting to travel through the camera's to look for him.

 After an hour or two I started to get worried 'fuuck where is he!?' I started to panic but before I could have a melt down I decided to go to Val.. he'd know what to do right? I quickly used the cameras to teleport to his room my eyes quickly scanning the room in a panic but before I could leave I felt four arms wrap around me startling me to the point i jumped back a bit "Shh Voxxie baby what's wrong?" A comforting and familiar voice asked it was Tino.. "V-Vark he ran off a-a-and-" he shushed me "Shh easy easy Vox.. we'll find him" He gently rubbed my back soothing me as I calmed down shockingly I didn't cry but I made no promises until we found Vark. "Why am I so fucking attached!? He is just some stupid fucking shark." I snapped. Not at Val mainly at myself as I pulled away from him electricity running over me as I felt the anger in me rise, "I'm checking the cameras.." I mumbled Val nodded before I vanished traveling through the camera's looking for Vark. I scoured the V district before finding Vark in a corner of an alleyway surrounded by loan sharks, who were trying to put a rope around his neck. He still had the Alastor squeaky toy in his mouth as he growled and backed away. I felt my blood boil and electricity surrounded me as I emerged, Quickly sending a message to Val as to where I was before I spoke up "Hello..." the tone was demonic and threatening, the loan sharks snapped around not scared of me or scared to put up a fight as they charged at me. I smiled menacingly I was gonna kill em either way but they just made this more entertaining.

I felt my power surge as I electrocuted all of them watching some bodies fall as more came at me. I dodged their attacks returning with fatal bolts of electricity soon enough I felt my power overwhelm me.. and eventually I lost control killing them all.. but then everything went black.. this is when I knew I wasn't coming back... not for awhile anyway..

{Finally done! Enjoy fuckers! time to continue this shitty day at school! Good day/night/morning everyone!}

Words: 1000!

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